Frequently Asked Questions

Can be System Explorer used in Windows Server operating system ?

System Explorer should work but it is not tested by us. Let us know if you find some issue.

Can be System Explorer used as Task Manager Replacement?

Yes. You can enable Task Manger replacement in menu "Options>Replace Task Manager".

How to start System Explorer minimized (in tray) ?

Start SystemExplorer.exe with parameter "/tray".

Where can I find version of the System Explorer for 64-bit operating system ?

We have single version for 32-bit and 64-bit operating system. System Explorer using own 64-bit service for actions which needs to be done under 64-bit environment. Version 3.8 and higher should fully support 64-bit OS.

Why is System Explorer connecting to the internet?

System Explorer contacts our server in several situations. Please have a look to our Privacy Policy to see more information about it.

Virus detected in System Explorer! What should I do?

This is probably (99.9%) false positive of your Antivirus software. In long history of System Explorer, all virus detection were false positive. You should test the System Explorer files via service. If major antiviruses mark files as Virus, contact us via support. If major antiviruses mark files as Clean, send False Positive Report to your Antivirus Support.

Who develop System Explorer?

System Explorer is developed by small developers group from the Czech Republic.

I have question or suggestion. How can I contact developers?

You can contact us via Support section, Forum or via email

Did not find answer ? Send us your question via Support Ticket. We answer only to english, System Explorer related questions.