Features - Drivers

Drivers module

-this module shows list of all drivers in the Windows system, with type of their run. User is allowed to stop or start any driver and find additional information about each driver in our cloud database.

On this module, from the standard basic functions, user is allowed to re-order the columns, enable/disable any column, sort ascending or descending on any column, search the total list (using the Search filter in the top-right corner) and use the advanced menu features.

The list of installed drivers is sorted to groups of started stopped drivers.

List of columns :

Drive name : system name of the driver taken from the drive file

Status : actual status of the driver - Started or Stopped

Startup Type : Manual or Automatic or Disabled

Description : description given for the driver, taken from the driver file

Short Name : short name for the driver used by operating system

Driver Type : system description of the driver type

File Name : full path and file name for the driver


On the right mouse click on any item user can invoke menu with module functions.

Operations with the drivers :

Stop driver (on driver in status Started) : stops the driver

Start driver (on driver in status Stopped or Disabled) : starts the driver

Driver Startup Type : changes the Driver Startup Type to Automatic, Manual or Disabled.

Open Item Key in RegEdit : after using this option the RegEdit application will open with the cursor on the selected driver record.

File details : will open operating system file details for the selected executable / file

File Directory Explore : will open the file location directory in Windows Explorer

File Info Search : enables the user to search for more detailed information about the selected file / executable, either using Google search, or using the System Explorer on-line cloud database. After selecting one of the services  new browser window is opened and the file is searched (internet connection is needed).

File Check : user can scan the selected file / executable using the free on-line antivirus applications - VirusTotal or Jotti service. After selecting one of the services provided new browser window is opened and the file is uploaded to the service (internet connection is needed).

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