What is the "pdfsaver3.exe" ? Variant 19898

Our database contains 49 different files for filename pdfsaver3.exe but this page contains information about single file with specific attributes. If you want to see general information about the pdfsaver3.exe then visit General Information Page . You can also check most distributed file variants with name pdfsaver3.exe. This file belongs to product PDF-XChange 3.0: pdfSaver by Tracker Software Products Ltd. and was developed by company Tracker Software Products Ltd.. This file has description pdfSaver for PDF-XChange 3.0. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 1 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process pdfsaver3.exe.

pdfsaver3.exe Process
PDF-XChange 3.0: pdfSaver by Tracker Software Products Ltd.
Tracker Software Products Ltd.
pdfSaver for PDF-XChange 3.0
%PROGRAMFILES%\Tracker Software\PDF-XChange 3\pdfSaver
Operating System:
Windows XP
Medium oc1

System Explorer Community Antivirus Report

This file was checked and tolerated by following antivirus shields :
Antivirus NameLatest Toleration
avast! Antivirus2016-07-21 22:10:53
Microsoft Security Essentials2016-06-08 15:19:01
McAfee Anti-Virus y Anti-Spyware2016-05-20 20:20:21
Panda Free Antivirus2016-04-03 02:15:14
Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools Antimalware2016-03-18 09:33:57
COMODO Antivirus2016-01-14 23:44:32
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise2015-12-10 18:24:59
Windows Defender2015-12-05 20:55:50
3602015-11-06 05:43:13
Avira Desktop2015-05-23 15:22:05
Antivirus shields were enabled and have latest antivirus database.

Is the Process "pdfsaver3.exe" Safe or Threat ?

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100% of reviewed files are marked as Safe .
Our final rating for this file is Safe. Final rating is based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.

User Reviews of the "pdfsaver3.exe"

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne (Variant: 19898)

    pdfSaver for PDF-XChange 3.0 application from Tracker Software Products Ltd. Serves for the creation of Adobe compatible PDF files from virtually any Windows software such as MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, MS Publisher etc, the list is endless. PDF-XChange acts as a virtual printer, but instead of the output going to paper in the conventional manner - it is captured and re-directed to create a fully compatible, Text Searchable, Adobe PDF File (subject to the source material being readable - image files remain non text-searchable). More info on company pages http://www.tracker-software.com/ or product pages http://www.tracker-software.com/ product/pdf-xchange-standard