What is the "hal7600-windows activation.exe" ? Variant 737461

Our database contains single file for filename hal7600-windows activation.exe. This file belongs to product HAL7600 v1.1 and was developed by company Fibonacci & Co.. This file has description HAL7600. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 4 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process hal7600-windows activation.exe.

hal7600-windows activation.exe Process
HAL7600 v1.1
Fibonacci & Co.
F:\Download\Test\HAL7600 v1.1
Operating System:
Windows 7
Low oc0

Is the Process "hal7600-windows activation.exe" Safe or Threat ?

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100% of reviewed files are marked as Safe .
Our final rating for this file is Safe. Final rating is based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.
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User Reviews of the "hal7600-windows activation.exe"

  • SAFErating from user TreeHuggersSmellBad (Variant: 737461)

    Hal7600 is used to bypass DRM in Win7 activation. Admittedly it could be used for good or bad. I was having issues with a pop up saying my copy of Win7 needed to be activated after I had already activated it. Instead of dealing with the wonderful personalities of Microcraps CSR team I found out about this program and downloaded it. It worked no problem, the pop ups stopped. BUT...so did my access to the internet. Hardline and wireless, I could not connect to my network. I normally see several wireless networks in the network and sharing center...there were none while Hal7600 was installed. I'm going to rate it as unknown for now as there were installation issues concerning firewall/antivirus programs running during the install. A review I read said that all those things should be turned off during the installation of the Hal7600 software as it could be seen as a virus or malware.

  • SAFErating from user rvarvel

  • SAFErating from user rocha (Variant: 737461)

    is nice

  • SAFErating from user jhhj