System Explorer > Banco de Dados de Arquivos > Arquivos > sgnfileencservicen.dll

Top file variants for sgnfileencservicen.dll

Users Filename Product Company Version Variant
62,5%%WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ sgnfileencservicen.dllSophos SafeGuardUtimaco Safeware AG - a member of the Sophos Group6.0.1.3116378545
16,67%%SYSDIR% \ sgnfileencservicen.dllSophos SafeGuardUtimaco Safeware AG - a member of the Sophos Group6.0.1.3124665064
12,5%%WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ sgnfileencservicen.dllSophos SafeGuardUtimaco Safeware AG - a member of the Sophos Group6.0.0.15521270396
4,17%%SYSDIR% \ sgnfileencservicen.dllSophos SafeGuardUtimaco Safeware AG - a member of the Sophos Group6.0.1.3125757178
4,17%%WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ sgnfileencservicen.dllSophos SafeGuardUtimaco Safeware AG - a member of the Sophos Group6.10.0.37223079011
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