29,98% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 4880739 |
18,47% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 5641866 |
11,74% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 7143246 |
7,5% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 4534024 |
6,43% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 4767604 |
3,6% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 4478920 |
3,43% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 831991 |
2,99% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ TuneUp Utilities 2007 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 1471944 |
2,76% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 4503989 |
2,52% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 4464295 |
1,24% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 18362614 |
1,08% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 12838666 |
0,77% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Performance Monitor \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 9264330 |
0,61% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 4474950 |
0,57% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Mofice \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 26466949 |
0,4% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ TuneUp Utilities 2007 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 2691374 |
0,37% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3626.0 | 6437594 |
0,37% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Samsung \ Samsung PC Studio 3 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 2588839 |
0,34% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Samsung \ Samsung PC Studio 3 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 2790520 |
0,34% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 3653235 |
0,3% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 5116296 |
0,2% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 23349449 |
0,2% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ PSS7 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3665.0 | 16660113 |
0,13% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ TRANSLAT \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 10266432 |
0,13% | %USERPROFILE% \ Downloads \ PerfMonZip \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 18788076 |
0,13% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ apps \ perfmon \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 28842529 |
0,1% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Netmarble \ NetmarbleGrandChase \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 20187155 |
0,1% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft Office \ OFFICE11 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 22004483 |
0,1% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 16237389 |
0,1% | %COMMONFILES% \ DWGgateway \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 2465971 |
0,07% | D: \ Programme \ TuneUp \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 7860792 |
0,07% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Piotr \ Pefrmon \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 32162560 |
0,07% | %COMMONFILES% \ AOL \ 1342373853 \ ee \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 31234181 |
0,07% | D: \ No Copiar \ Performance Monitor 4.1 Portable \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 29230553 |
0,07% | K: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 28437282 |
0,07% | D: \ Data \ ProgramsPortable \ Монитор ресурсов \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 29766114 |
0,07% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Standalone Files \ PerfMon \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 31048875 |
0,07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ TuneUp Utilities 2007 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 7875513 |
0,07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ WinRuler1xZip \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 24713811 |
0,07% | D: \ 1 \ Техника и технологии \ Компьютеры \ Софт \ PC \ Дистрибутив \ Приложения \ Функциональные \ Экранная линейка \ WinRuler \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 32176874 |
0,07% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Portable Apps \ PerfMon \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 23382080 |
0,07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Auran \ TS2009 \ bin \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 31236198 |
0,07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 27206756 |
0,07% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 11313785 |
0,07% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ SysUtils \ Perf Mon \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 26106743 |
0,07% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 25193537 |
0,07% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ - nieinst \ PerfMonZip \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 31118254 |
0,07% | G: \ ! البرامج المحمولة الهامة \ البرامج المحمولة لخدمة الوندوز \ الصيانة \ 1 \ المحمول TuneUp Utilities 2007 v6.0.2311 للصيانة \ App \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 29524211 |
0,03% | %COMMONFILES% \ ArcSoft \ Bin \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 25011716 |
0,03% | %TEMP% \ 7zS266D \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 24385852 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Performance Monitor \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 31503977 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ PC Translator \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 22291703 |
0,03% | F: \ Desktop-Daten \ Programme \ MYMONITOR \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 27812495 |
0,03% | D: \ TuneUp Utilities 2007 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 24953597 |
0,03% | %USERDOCUMENTS% \ WinDS PRO \ emu \ desmume \ Slot1D \ jdk \ jre \ bin \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4011.0 | 25301497 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Work \ Install5 \ Perfmonnew \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 22853176 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Performance Monitor 4.1.2 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 29551414 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ PerfMon4x \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 30382577 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ TRANSLAT \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 16852466 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ WINDOWS \ SysWOW64 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 26214576 |
0,03% | %COMMONFILES% \ AOL \ 1399005022 \ ee \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 24594813 |
0,03% | D: \ Program Files (x86) \ Todor \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 25401748 |
0,03% | %USERPROFILE% \ Downloads \ PerfMonZip \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 28917339 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ TuneUp Utilities 2007 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 27102076 |
0,03% | G: \ Program Files (x86) \ Software602 \ 602LAN SUITE \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 24209757 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Programs n-install _s+ \ Hexagora Performance Monitor 4.1.2 rd12y0405 =Portable _+j \ PerfMonZip,412 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 27196475 |
0,03% | D: \ Programy \ TuneUp Utilities 2007 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 33082469 |
0,03% | d: \ grandchase \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 22124212 |
0,03% | E: \ Program Files (x86) \ Todor \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 29603798 |
0,03% | %COMMONFILES% \ Autodesk Shared \ DWF Common \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 32898688 |
0,03% | %USERPROFILE% \ Downloads \ Compressed \ AspireOneTemp \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 25865939 |
0,03% | E: \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 24464646 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Viren \ TuneUp Utilities 2007 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 31525250 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Axeso5 \ Grand Chase \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 13574241 |
0,03% | F: \ TRANSLAT \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 23090183 |
0,03% | %WINDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 25188862 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ HWNMSJRE \ jre_win \ bin \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4011.0 | 28003861 |
0,03% | D: \ GrandChase$ \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 22996565 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ ZANTAZ \ EAS Client \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3626.0 | 8929755 |
0,03% | %COMMONFILES% \ ArcSoft \ Bin \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 5850781 |
0,03% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 19385274 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Commercial Service \ Millennium7 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 26504503 |
0,03% | D: \ Games \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ half-life 2 \ bin \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 21282160 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Translat_2010 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 29297377 |
0,03% | M: \ PortableApps \ performancemonitorportable \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 28917369 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 2813530 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Python27 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 28308509 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Java \ jre6 \ bin \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4011.0 | 14898164 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ portable \ meter \ PerMon \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 24369627 |
0,03% | %TEMP% \ RarSFX0 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 10527214 |
0,03% | D: \ translat1 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 22290725 |
0,03% | D: \ Progik \ PerfMonZip \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 33217621 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% Portable \ Performance.Monitor.4.1.2 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 22836368 |
0,03% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Tools \ PerfMon \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 29371102 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 4288813 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Todor \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.3703.0 | 2748308 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ SmallGames \ ПервоЛого 3.0 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 24570487 |
0,03% | D: \ Portable \ PerfMon \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4018.0 | 32160082 |
0,03% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ PPTshare \ File Compressor 2.5 \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.1.3790.0 | 25348064 |
0,03% | %SYSDIR% \ unicows.dll | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, Windows (R) 98, and Windows (R) Millennium Operating Systems | Microsoft Corporation | 1.0.4011.0 | 32781281 |