56.69% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 4075775 |
15.13% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 10251083 |
12.85% | %SYSDIR% \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 4495053 |
6.12% | %SYSDIR% \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 4427919 |
0.95% | %SYSDIR% \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 15128629 |
0.53% | %ALLUSERS_APPDATA% \ Wizard101(DE) \ Bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 22213646 |
0.53% | L: \ NetGame \ Dragon Nest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31506798 |
0.42% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 5891391 |
0.38% | %SYSDIR% \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 5530393 |
0.34% | D: \ Game \ BlueDragonNest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23618987 |
0.3% | D: \ Games \ BlueDragonNest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23608018 |
0.3% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ cntv \ cbox \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 19588368 |
0.27% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Windows Media Player \ Visualisations \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 2180132 |
0.23% | d: \ 网络游戏 \ qqxw \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 33306592 |
0.19% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 8483231 |
0.19% | %SYSDIR% \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 26834229 |
0.15% | %SYSDIR% \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 7165222 |
0.15% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 7721831 |
0.11% | %PROGFILES64% \ LostSaga \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 24155345 |
0.11% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 17628961 |
0.11% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Windows Media Player \ Visualisations \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 17033788 |
0.11% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Windows Media Player \ Visualisations \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 3371170 |
0.11% | D: \ GTDragonNest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23256185 |
0.08% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ SuperDisk \ SERVER11290259-J \ 网络游戏 \ 永恒之塔 \ 永恒之塔 \ bin32 \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 29652586 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Electronic Arts \ The Sims 3 \ Game \ Bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | | | | 10551214 |
0.08% | E: \ Game \ BlueDragonNest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23711861 |
0.08% | D: \ DN-Inter \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 24656390 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Dragon Nest Europe \ DragonNest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23443773 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Electronic Arts \ Les Sims 3 \ Game \ Bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 24141514 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ THQ \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 7096873 |
0.08% | %DESKTOP% \ GTDragonNest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 22925914 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ THQ \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 24238888 |
0.08% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ WINDOWS \ SysWOW64 \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31057220 |
0.08% | D: \ Program Files (x86) \ osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 26731261 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ cntv \ cbox \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 25085940 |
0.08% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ USERJOY \ FantasySaga \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31713947 |
0.08% | E: \ DNS \ Dragon Nest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 24682229 |
0.08% | %USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 28202053 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ cntv \ cbox \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 29119489 |
0.08% | D: \ kh2-6 \ game \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 21088602 |
0.08% | D: \ Program Files \ osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 32731201 |
0.08% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Games \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 30 Новелл из Зоны \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 26962448 |
0.08% | H: \ Grand Theft Auto IV \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31146228 |
0.04% | D: \ Jogos \ Dragon Nest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 25670038 |
0.04% | F: \ PLAYGAME \ GAMES \ X062 \ Client \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 26244154 |
0.04% | D: \ Игры \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Объединенный Пак 2 \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31847348 |
0.04% | D: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Audiosurf \ engine \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 22028828 |
0.04% | D: \ Gemscool \ LostSaga \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23887952 |
0.04% | D: \ Bunny-DN \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 30354729 |
0.04% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Electronic Arts \ The Sims 3 \ Game \ Bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | | | | 32686655 |
0.04% | D: \ GamesMailRu \ Dragon Nest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 22724178 |
0.04% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 2730748 |
0.04% | D: \ Program Files (x86) \ Magellan \ VantagePoint \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 28167193 |
0.04% | E: \ Games \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Тень Чернобыля \ Объединенный Пак 2 \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 32275683 |
0.04% | E: \ DN173 \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 24757300 |
0.04% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ NtreevSoft \ PangYa_JP \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 19367829 |
0.04% | D: \ Dragon Nest Legend \ DragonNest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31542819 |
0.04% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Game \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23490011 |
0.04% | %USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 31605616 |
0.04% | d: \ games \ steam \ steamapps \ common \ mount and blade \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 29332363 |
0.04% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Games \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Народная Солянка \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 25845619 |
0.04% | D: \ Games \ Grand Theft Auto- Episodes From Liberty City \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 26721065 |
0.04% | %PROGFILES64% \ CherryDeGames \ Dragon Nest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 32016908 |
0.04% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Users \ Public \ game \ Dn Bee \ Dn Bee \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 30679814 |
0.04% | E: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ Supreme Commander Forged Alliance \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 28071687 |
0.04% | Z: \ GAME \ AP006 \ 6044 \ game \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23070143 |
0.04% | D: \ games \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Тень Чернобыля \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 28493190 |
0.04% | E: \ Game \ Adventure \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 32789483 |
0.04% | D: \ soxdn \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 24877361 |
0.04% | E: \ wyfhProject \ Bin \ Client \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 21350250 |
0.04% | D: \ Games \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31592767 |
0.04% | F: \ netgames \ 冒险岛online \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 21898742 |
0.04% | H: \ ExtraDN \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 30238227 |
0.04% | D: \ Games \ The Sims™ 3 Collection \ Electronic Arts \ The Sims 3 \ Game \ Bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | | | | 25353834 |
0.04% | E: \ soxdn \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 27762965 |
0.04% | D: \ Bunny-DN \ Bunny-DN \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 32075106 |
0.04% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ FantasySaga \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31154017 |
0.04% | D: \ Jeux \ Osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 27709616 |
0.04% | D: \ Games \ LostSaga \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 29098164 |
0.04% | D: \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R-OP-2-2.09-1 \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 33183742 |
0.04% | C: \ Gemscool \ LostSaga \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 25294841 |
0.04% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Game \ SoftnyxGame \ LoveRitmoLS \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 25692140 |
0.04% | D: \ games \ GTA4 \ Grand Theft Auto IV \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 26444757 |
0.04% | D: \ Bunny-DN \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31872288 |
0.04% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Games \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Народная Солянка + DMX 1.3.5 + ООП.МА.К \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 22056348 |
0.04% | D: \ Dragon Nest Europe \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 30382483 |
0.04% | %DESKTOP% \ รวม \ CKR \ New folder (2) \ FSO \ FantasySaga \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 28197359 |
0.04% | D: \ Remote Programs \ Vegas Penny Slots \ Vegas Penny Slots Pack \ Slots \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 32627054 |
0.04% | D: \ Program Files (x86) \ CNTV \ CBox \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 24771533 |
0.04% | E: \ Game \ DNS \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 31565761 |
0.04% | %APPDATA% \ Cyber 3D Club \ GTA IV - Maximum Graphics from Cyber 3D Club \ GTA IV - Maximum Graphics from Cyber 3D Club \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 23526656 |
0.04% | %USERDOCUMENTS% \ osu! \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.24.950.2656 | 32635304 |
0.04% | D: \ Games \ Episodes From Liberty City \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 29558284 |
0.04% | D: \ GarenaLSTH \ GameData \ Apps \ LSTH \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 33326223 |
0.04% | D: \ NetGame \ DragonNest \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 29961393 |
0.04% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Electronic Arts \ The Sims 3 \ Game \ Bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | | | | 10899756 |
0.04% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Grand Theft Auto IV \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 25909016 |
0.04% | D: \ LostSaga \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 26754502 |
0.04% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 32054253 |
0.04% | D: \ Games \ S.T.A.L.K.E.R \ bin \ d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Corporation | 9.15.779.0 | 22345182 |