System Explorer > File Database > File > age2_x1.exe

Top file variants for age2_x1.exe

Users Filename Product Company Version Variant
57,14%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft Games \ Age of Empires II \ age2_x1 \ age2_x1.exeAge of Empires II ExpansionMicrosoft Corporation0.7.26.80925321204
14,29%%SystemDiskRoot% \ aoc2 \ age2_x1 \ age2_x1.exeAge of Empires II ExpansionMicrosoft Corporation0.7.22.62724963242
14,29%E: \ Program Files \ EA Games \ AOE2CONQ \ age2_x1.exeAge of Empires II ExpansionMicrosoft Corporation0.7.22.62732430569
7,14%Z: \ home \ sparc \ Age \ age2_x1 \ age2_x1.exeAge of Empires II ExpansionMicrosoft Corporation0.7.22.62731833813
7,14%%ALLUSERS_APPDATA% \ Age of empires \ age2_x1.exeAge of Empires II ExpansionMicrosoft Corporation0.7.22.62727649780
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