18,75% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. | 6.0.6001.18000 | 516292 |
17,98% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Корпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 667031 |
10,71% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 570636 |
6,76% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Defragmentator dysków systemu Windows | Microsoft Corp. i Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 568686 |
6,25% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows-Defragmentierung | Microsoft Corporation und Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 606056 |
5,48% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 602087 |
3,57% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 551330 |
3,44% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 576959 |
3,06% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Utilità di deframmentazione dischi di Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 746846 |
2,81% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 712998 |
2,68% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco de Windows | Microsoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 616350 |
2,68% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Défragmenteur de disque Windows | Microsoft Corp. et Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 959989 |
1,28% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. | 6.0.6001.18000 | 4964125 |
1,15% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5840 | 2110563 |
0,89% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows lemeztöredezettség-mentesítő | Microsoft Corp. és Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 652525 |
0,89% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Корпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 840580 |
0,89% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 1180994 |
0,89% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 893621 |
0,77% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. | 6.0.6000.16386 | 628422 |
0,64% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 687744 |
0,51% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 3116700 |
0,51% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 670853 |
0,38% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 21795994 |
0,38% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgntfs.exe | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 10.0.608.0 | 233999 |
0,38% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco de Windows | Microsoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 912762 |
0,38% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.1106 | 30427369 |
0,38% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco de Windows | Microsoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5840 | 11727260 |
0,38% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Utilità di deframmentazione dischi di Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 6946606 |
0,38% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. e Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 1305739 |
0,26% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Executive Software \ DiskeeperLite \ dfrgntfs.exe | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Executive Software International, Inc. | 7.0.418.0 | 202038 |
0,26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Корпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5840 | 897470 |
0,26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Défragmenteur de disque Windows | Microsoft Corp. et Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 608216 |
0,26% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgntfs.exe | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper® Corporation | 9.0.538.0 | 32986930 |
0,26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.3300 | 12154239 |
0,26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Birleştirici | Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 802870 |
0,26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Defragmentator dysków systemu Windows | Microsoft Corp. i Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 608053 |
0,26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 830144 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Корпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5815 | 7859697 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco de Windows | Microsoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 20286885 |
0,13% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Executive Software \ Diskeeper \ dfrgntfs.exe | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Executive Software International, Inc. | 8.0.478.0 | 28271718 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.3244 | 11182574 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows-Defragmentierung | Microsoft Corporation und Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5815 | 1092749 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5840 | 1983292 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Корпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 26023197 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 8416624 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 3145470 |
0,13% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ DiskeeperLite \ dfrgntfs.exe | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Executive Software International, Inc. | 7.0.418.0 | 21389335 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 29699091 |
0,13% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgntfs.exe | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 10.0.605.0 | 11182887 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows-Defragmentierung | Microsoft Corporation und Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.3264 | 6082986 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 561274 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.1830 | 22720364 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Défragmenteur de disque Windows | Microsoft Corp. et Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5840 | 12494408 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.1106 | 26291257 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco de Windows | Microsoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5686 | 10891094 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Windows lemeztöredezettség-mentesítő | Microsoft Corp. és Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 4085138 |
0,13% | G: \ Diskeeper 10 \ diskeeper10 \ dfrgntfs.exe | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 10.0.593.0 | 21715072 |
0,13% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgntfs.exe | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 26020915 |