What is the "vssetup.exe" ?
Our database contains 4 different files for filename vssetup.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name vssetup.exe. This files most often belongs to product McAfee® Total Protection™ for Small Business. and were most often developed by company McAfee, Inc.. This files most often have description McAfee® Total Protection™ Service VSSetup. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 3 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process vssetup.exe.
In most cases this file is the service VSSetup for McAfee Total Protection application - this protective applications can guard user's PC, social network, identity, family, and home network against hackers, malware, thieves, phishing, and other online threats. Check more info on http://home.mcafee.com/store/total-protection

File details of most used file with name "vssetup.exe"
- Product:
- McAfee® Total Protection™ for Small Business
- Company:
- McAfee, Inc.
- Description:
- McAfee® Total Protection™ Service VSSetup
- Version:
- MD5:
- 999afdf9d2131d5b8a10ec47455a432b
- SHA1:
- 252333adaf0e21d628be0fae07e432cca557e410
- SHA256:
- aacce3b80f0c602ac49cf726f7273fcbba68a54945f57baf627d940538c35db2
- Size:
- 80889696
- Directory:
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- Low
Is the Process "vssetup.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "vssetup.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "vssetup.exe"
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %DESKTOP%\vssetup.exe (Variant: 12665516)
This file is the setup executable for the virtualStudio application - virtualStudio is a stand-alone, full-featured photo editor that can run virtualPhotographer and other plug-in filters. Check more info on http://www.optikvervelabs.com/virtualStudio.asp
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file D:\SWSETUP\MCAFEETP\\vssetup.exe (Variant: 8043777)
This file is the service VSSetup for McAfee Total Protection application - this protective applications can guard user's PC, social network, identity, family, and home network against hackers, malware, thieves, phishing, and other online threats. Check more info on http://home.mcafee.com/store/total-protection
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %SystemDiskRoot%\SWSETUP\SP47889\vssetup.exe (Variant: 19223339)
In most cases this file is the service VSSetup for McAfee Total Protection application - this protective applications can guard user's PC, social network, identity, family, and home network against hackers, malware, thieves, phishing, and other online threats. Check more info on http://home.mcafee.com/store/total-protection