What is the "ustspcodefragsrv64.exe" ?
Our database contains 6 different files for filename ustspcodefragsrv64.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name ustspcodefragsrv64.exe. This files most often belongs to product PC Optimizer . and were most often developed by company USTechSupport, LLC (www.ustechsupport.com). This files most often have description PC Optimizer - Defrag Service. This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process ustspcodefragsrv64.exe.
File details of most used file with name "ustspcodefragsrv64.exe"
- Product:
- PC Optimizer
- Company:
- USTechSupport, LLC (www.ustechsupport.com)
- Description:
- PC Optimizer - Defrag Service
- Version:
- 2.0.648.13548
- MD5:
- 5ff37d845d0eebdc28e411d457afd27e
- SHA1:
- 6ee48b46211a291bbdce05e0fb11044d61cfd372
- SHA256:
- 6846a3974c366e9899115a47046f2e4e96b2664946b98662535bd4ad28d24e01
- Size:
- 283528
- Directory:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\USTechSupport\PC Optimizer
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- Low
Is the Process "ustspcodefragsrv64.exe" Safe or Threat ?
Latest new variant of the file with name "ustspcodefragsrv64.exe" was discovered 4500 days ago.