What is the "ubhelper.sys" ?
Our database contains 20 different files for filename ubhelper.sys . You can also check most distributed file variants with name ubhelper.sys. This files most often belongs to product UBHelper. and were most often developed by company NewTech Infosystems Corporation. This files most often have description NTI CDROM Filter Driver. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 1 reviews.This file contains driver. You can find it in the Drivers section of the System Explorer.

File details of most used file with name "ubhelper.sys"
- Product:
- UBHelper
- Company:
- NewTech Infosystems Corporation
- Description:
- NTI CDROM Filter Driver
- Version:
- MD5:
- 2e22c1fd397a5a9ffef55e9d1fc96c00
- SHA1:
- 64b29e5648e24909b453426e51126e063d6670ba
- SHA256:
- 4646712b3f3af6188dbce1a95d92261e8b15e9583fe5dd538ec884f48b51759d
- Size:
- 16896
- Directory:
- C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- High
- Digital Signature:
- NewTech Infosystems, Inc
Is the Driver "ubhelper.sys" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "ubhelper.sys"
Reviews for all files with name "ubhelper.sys"
SAFErating from user Billwill for file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\UBHelper.sys (Variant: 775714)
UBhelper.sys is part of the DVD driver supplied by NewTech Infosystems Corporation. The Vista version is blocked by Win 7. The simplest way to get an updated version of it and of NTIdrvr.sys is to go to www.nticorp.com get and install a trial copy of NTI Backup Now.