What is the "teracopy.exe" ?
Our database contains 78 different files for filename teracopy.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name teracopy.exe. This files most often belongs to product TeraCopy. and were most often developed by company Code Sector Inc.. This files most often have description TeraCopy. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 6 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process teracopy.exe.

File details of most used file with name "teracopy.exe"
- Product:
- TeraCopy
- Company:
- Code Sector Inc.
- Description:
- TeraCopy
- Version:
- MD5:
- 1598df83e5b2f3a1e6763b6f95a42f83
- SHA1:
- 7249bf3929e51e9440bd0fbf2a4596a825641cec
- SHA256:
- 7c38a07fde392de8d2270efa9773888203b3495aef0c46b7fa762e182edde159
- Size:
- 1243280
- Directory:
- Operating System:
- Windows XP
- Occurence:
- Medium
- Digital Signature:
- Code Sector
Is the Process "teracopy.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "teracopy.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "teracopy.exe"
SAFErating from user tERACOPY for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TeraCopy\teracopy.exe (Variant: 17825183)
The most useful file management utility I have ever used contains this file as it's primary executable. It is listed a s SAFE?NO THREAT per Avast AV and MalwarweBytes from my desktop as of Aug 18 2015 @ 0149hrs EST.
SAFErating from user The Best Copy Utility for file %PROGFILES64%\TeraCopy\teracopy.exe (Variant: 21835092)
This is the executable file for the best copy utility that is available anywhere. It is no threat/safe per MalwareBytes & COMODO Security Suite as of 201303227 1814hrs EST.
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file E:\@DISCO DE 30\Escritorio\portables 2011\TeraCopy Portable\TeraCopy.exe (Variant: 7213733)
"If you want to speed up your copying or if you regularly transfer large amounts of data and have to stop the process to perform some other disk-intensive task, this program may be just what you need." - see more on http://codesector.com/teracopy
SAFErating from user nobody for file D:\TeraCopyPro Portable\TeraCopy.exe (Variant: 3364859)
Version 2.27 of the copy program TeraCopy. This is a replacement for the native Windows copy function. Both the free and the commercial pro version share this code.
SAFErating from user demerzal for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TeraCopy\teracopy.exe (Variant: 517520)
File and folder copier.
SAFErating from user Biwee for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TeraCopy\teracopy.exe (Variant: 64781)
TeraCopy from Code Sector Inc