What is the "s3dinjector.dll" ?
Our database contains 26 different files for filename s3dinjector.dll . You can also check most distributed file variants with name s3dinjector.dll. This files most often belongs to product iZ3D Driver. and were most often developed by company iZ3D Inc.. This files most often have description S3DInjector. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 3 reviews.This file is Dynamic-link Library. This library can be loaded and executed in any running process.
File details of most used file with name "s3dinjector.dll"
- Product:
- iZ3D Driver
- Company:
- iZ3D Inc.
- Description:
- S3DInjector
- Version:
- MD5:
- aa9e02217c7f4b3a69aa9c6028682382
- SHA1:
- be164edd987ba136f806c2a15bfcb4f7938fca82
- SHA256:
- 0e0cf4e05d8dfaf67d2603c6b7409e9ca3d6331e4e39ea90d74eac104967944e
- Size:
- 110592
- Directory:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\iZ3D Driver\Win32
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- Medium
Is the library "s3dinjector.dll" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "s3dinjector.dll"
Reviews for all files with name "s3dinjector.dll"
SAFErating from user julian for file %PROGRAMFILES%\iZ3D Driver\Win32\S3DInjector.dll
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\iZ3D Driver\Win32\S3DInjector.dll (Variant: 158068)
"The IZ3D Driver is the key to an exciting new 3D viewing experience. The driver automatically converts video games into astonishing 3D which elevates your gaming experience to a new level of enjoyment." More info for this app see on http://www.iz3d.com/. This file is a dynamic linking library used by this app.
SAFErating from user wu sing for file %PROGRAMFILES%\iZ3D Driver\Win32\S3DInjector.dll