What is the "pstart.exe" ?
Our database contains 71 different files for filename pstart.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name pstart.exe. This files most often belongs to product PStart. and were most often developed by company Pegtop Software. This files most often have description PStart personal start menu. Agregate rating is 4(4) stars - based on 5 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process pstart.exe.
In most cases this file is main executable for the PStart personal start menu from Pegtop Software - this application is a tray tool which helps the user to start portble applications from USB device or removable discs. Check more on http://www.pegtop.net/start/.

File details of most used file with name "pstart.exe"
- Product:
- PStart
- Company:
- Pegtop Software
- Description:
- PStart personal start menu
- Version:
- MD5:
- 4e4faff303bdbc6c7b740346c189b22b
- SHA1:
- 8845f658c73c9c8f009fe6e5d08ea22551256c61
- SHA256:
- 056fc0c7120d1b7ca7e5e0ff4ee1670635fb3c70eaba2586bafc583cb9f36b39
- Size:
- 786952
- Directory:
- %SystemDiskRoot%\1~ Set-In _Part - A\-==PStart 2.11
- Operating System:
- Windows XP
- Occurence:
- High
Is the Process "pstart.exe" Safe or Threat ?
50% of reviewed files are marked as Threat .
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User Reviews of the "pstart.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "pstart.exe"
THREATrating from user MikeOne for file D:\PStart.exe (Variant: 1016505)
This file is main executable for the PStart personal start menu from Pegtop Software - this application is a tray tool which helps the user to start portble applications from USB device or removable discs. Check more on http://www.pegtop.net/start/. In this version the file is marked by most antiviruses as a possible thread - Trojan.Packed virus. Either it is infected by virus or the file in this version behaves this way and the programming company should be noticed about it.
SAFErating from user Guru for file F:\Progfile\Standalones\Pstart\PStart.exe
SAFErating from user a for file %USERDOCUMENTS%\programas\PStart\PStart.exe (Variant: 901884)
PStart is a small footprint program starter that resides in the taskbar.
SAFErating from user Le0nard0 for file S:\pstart.exe
SAFErating from user starlyth for file E:\Portable\Apps\PStart\PStart.exe (Variant: 846303)
PStart is a small footprint program starter that resides in the taskbar.