What is the "main.exe" ?
Our database contains 1037 different files for filename main.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name main.exe. This files were most often developed by company MC-Soft. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 24 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process main.exe.

File details of most used file with name "main.exe"
- Product:
- (Empty Value)
- Company:
- MC-Soft
- Description:
- (Empty Value)
- Version:
- MD5:
- 53cf9c57e45e31922204909fc3cd6939
- SHA1:
- e701e0459a8d0bc7bf829920764c7ef4934ad19e
- SHA256:
- ecb0a80f459b0367674a6e97412060071c02eb8c3126fdd2637574de16b4cdee
- Size:
- 3549184
- Directory:
- %SystemDiskRoot%\NeoSpy
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- Medium
Is the Process "main.exe" Safe or Threat ?
Loading Graph
Latest new variant of the file with name "main.exe" was discovered 4372 days ago. Our database contains 91 variants of the file "main.exe" with final rating Safe and 17 variants with final rating Threat . Final ratings are based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.
User Reviews of the "main.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "main.exe"
THREATrating from user CB for file %SystemDiskRoot%\main.exe
SAFErating from user cuibap for file %SystemDiskRoot%\main.exe
SAFErating from user matias for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Mu S6 EP3 - Cliente Sin Sonido\main.exe
SAFErating from user Boris for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Razer\Razer Cortex\main.exe
SAFErating from user Piotr for file D:\Games\PlayDeon MU Online\main.exe
SAFErating from user bachuls for file D:\game\Royal-MU+EX702 No Sound Client\Royal-MU+EX702 No Sound client\Royal-MU+EX702 No Sound Client\main.exe
SAFErating from user son for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Grudgemu\GrudgeMU 2010\grudgemu s4 muguard\main.exe
SAFErating from user ke0mut for file D:\\game\\MU\\main.exe
SAFErating from user EasyAsShjt for file %DESKTOP%\MuHoangDeFull\main.exe (Variant: 4522828)
that's good
SAFErating from user jorge for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Muargentina Season6\main.exe
SAFErating from user RegzoMu for file %DESKTOP%\Mu+Griever\Nueva carpeta\main.exe (Variant: 2453029)
how to create new game ?
SAFErating from user raimstaon1 for file E:\MU 1.6\MU pawet vrode\MU\MuOnline_Season_6_Episode_1_Full_Client\main.exe
SAFErating from user pri for file %DESKTOP%\Mu-InfraWorld Season2\main.exe (Variant: 1127898)
I need to download the main.exe, can somebody help me?
SAFErating from user szgds for file %PROGRAMFILES%\grandchase\Main.exe
SAFErating from user soshimaru for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Grudgemu\GrudgeMU 2010\grudgemu s4 muguard\main.exe
SAFErating from user testtest for file D:\Mu Sinh Tu\main.exe
SAFErating from user legrand74 for file d:\Archivos de programa\BnB Mu By Slipknot\main.exe
SAFErating from user dfdf for file %DESKTOP%\HoangKim Season 2\main.exe
SAFErating from user UPieper for file %PROGRAMFILES%\EASEUS\EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.1 Professional Edition\bin\Main.exe (Variant: 778701)
EASEUS Partition Master Main Application
SAFErating from user a1shoot for file %DESKTOP%\HoangKim Season 2\main.exe
SAFErating from user mrpham for file E:\MU 1.6\MU pawet vrode\MU\MuOnline_Season_6_Episode_1_Full_Client\main.exe
SAFErating from user Ketzer for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Philips\GoGear SA011 Device Manager\main.exe (Variant: 1004655)
it is a Hardware Manager for Phillips MP3-Player, also checking for updates.
SAFErating from user TienDat for file %DESKTOP%\HoangKim Season 2\main.exe
SAFErating from user UPieper for file %PROGRAMFILES%\EASEUS\EASEUS Partition Master 6\bin\Main.exe (Variant: 680727)
Easeus Partition master PRO program http://www.partition-tool.com/