What is the "listary.exe" ?
Our database contains 197 different files for filename listary.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name listary.exe. This files most often belongs to product Listary. and were most often developed by company Bopsoft. This files most often have description Listary. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 16 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process listary.exe.
This file is the main executable for the Listary application - Listary serves as a find-as-you-type search utility for MS Windows, it can find very fastly the files during the name typing. Check more info on http://www.listary.com/ :
"All you have to do is just type the file name that you’re looking for, and Listary will display the search results at breakneck speed." It is also supported by many famous file managers, including Total Commander, Windows Explore and e.g. WinRAR.

File details of most used file with name "listary.exe"
- Product:
- Listary
- Company:
- Bopsoft
- Description:
- Listary
- Version:
- 4.1.1191.0
- MD5:
- 5064d1bf4698ed5ceb534289dd06c274
- SHA1:
- b83130230124006495ba23e1afc4544935742206
- SHA256:
- c54279eab808a41cc5215292f509a31097b7cd4de925c5d4b768fc2c15f55f17
- Size:
- 3634952
- Directory:
- D:\tools\Listary
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- Medium
- Digital Signature:
- Bopsoft
Is the Process "listary.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "listary.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "listary.exe"
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGFILES64%\Listary\listary.exe (Variant: 23795575)
This file is the main executable for the Listary application - Listary serves as a find-as-you-type search utility for MS Windows, it can find very fastly the files during the name typing. Check more info on http://www.listary.com/ :
"All you have to do is just type the file name that you’re looking for, and Listary will display the search results at breakneck speed." It is also supported by many famous file managers, including Total Commander, Windows Explore and e.g. WinRAR. -
SAFErating from user epopui for file %PROGFILES64%\Listary\Listary.exe (Variant: 5335011)
An extended dialogue box - connects itself to the bottom of the Common Dialogue Box and adds paths,recent directories etc.
SAFErating from user dfpsaw for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Listary\Listary.exe (Variant: 917684)
Listary is an excellent find-as-you-type search utility that makes searching items in large unmanageable lists of Windows applications a breeze.