What is the "gbpsv.exe" ?

Our database contains 1594 different files for filename gbpsv.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name gbpsv.exe. This files most often belongs to product Gbp Service. . This files most often have description G-Buster Browser Defense - Service. Agregate rating is 3(3) stars - based on 12 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process gbpsv.exe.

gbpsv.exe Process

File details of most used file with name "gbpsv.exe"

Gbp Service
(Empty Value)
G-Buster Browser Defense - Service
Operating System:
Windows XP
High oc2
Digital Signature:
Banco do Brasil S.A.

Is the Process "gbpsv.exe" Safe or Threat ?

Loading Graph
64% of reviewed files are marked as Safe .
27% of reviewed files are marked as Threat .
Latest new variant of the file with name "gbpsv.exe" was discovered 4337 days ago. Our database contains 48 variants of the file "gbpsv.exe" with final rating Safe and 7 variants with final rating Threat . Final ratings are based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.
Process with filename "gbpsv.exe" can be Safe or Threat. You must define more file attributes to determine right rating. Our freeware awards winning tool provides easiest way to check your files via our database. Tool contains many useful functions for keep your system under control and uses minimum system resources.
Click Here to Download System Explorer for Free.

User Reviews of the "gbpsv.exe"

There are multiple files in compliance with actual filter settings. All reviews for this files will be displayed.

Reviews for all files with name "gbpsv.exe"

  • THREATrating from user Leonardo for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 31877232)

    nn da pra desinstalar

  • THREATrating from user David for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 19642409)

    Destroys cpu

  • SAFErating from user Jonathan for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 20012428)

    It's a process to establish a secure connection between our local machine and the Bank Website. It's known to be used by Banco do Brasil and Banco Itau.

  • SAFErating from user delta40 for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 19642409)

    safety module Used by Banco do Brasil (Brazilian bank) to validade PC during online access. Without it no accessability.

  • SAFErating from user Expedito Calixto for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\GbpSv.exe (Variant: 10378360)

    Internet Banking using in Brazil (CAIXA.GOV.BR)

  • SAFErating from user ricardo for file %PROGRAMFILES%\\GbPlugin\\gbpsv.exe

  • SAFErating from user Chronos for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 1214199)

    Brazilian Bank monitoring system, but uses up a lot of processing. I recommend ending the process when not using it.

  • SAFErating from user a for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 1298861)

    Used by banks here in Brazil. Banco do Brasil and others.

  • SAFErating from user Marcus for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\GbpSv.exe (Variant: 943282)

    Safe! it is used by Brazilian banks as a security measure.

  • SAFErating from user gradders for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 637661)

    This file is part of Banco do Brasil''s log-in security. It is known as safe elsewhere on the net. I have used it for more than 5 years as part of my login security to BdB.

  • THREATrating from user Paulo for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 146443)


  • THREATrating from user Marcos Becker for file %PROGRAMFILES%\GbPlugin\gbpsv.exe (Variant: 45051)

    Banking Monitoring access. Reapping datas At moment monitoring Banco do Brasil, UNIBANCO e CAIXA ECONOMICA FEDERAL, All one brazilian banks, I cannot unnistall it.