What is the "ff_protection.exe" ? Variant 566895
Our database contains 31 different files for filename ff_protection.exe but this page contains information about single file with specific attributes. If you want to see general information about the ff_protection.exe then visit General Information Page . You can also check most distributed file variants with name ff_protection.exe. This file belongs to product FF_Protection Application. This file has description FF_Protection MFC Application. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 2 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process ff_protection.exe.
- Product:
- FF_Protection Application
- Company:
- (Empty Value)
- Description:
- FF_Protection MFC Application
- Version:
- MD5:
- 9728261a86133f808d3856091f6f0a7e
- SHA1:
- 9a8e7622effdf6b5f618bd28399ad2d161102631
- SHA256:
- 4b7e65955bd7af87b9ab6c0b96b64c0206ef70753c4e13ff4d94e9e8c0650a04
- Size:
- 726640
- Directory:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\STMicroelectronics\AccelerometerP11
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- Medium
- Digital Signature:
- STMicroelectronics
System Explorer Community Antivirus Report
Antivirus Name | Latest Toleration |
Avira Antivirus | 2016-04-21 19:51:49 |
Trend Micro Antivirus+ | 2015-12-27 04:14:11 |
Microsoft Security Essentials | 2015-10-24 23:27:27 |
Spybot - Search and Destroy | 2015-10-24 23:27:27 |
avast! Antivirus | 2015-03-15 18:28:01 |
Symantec Endpoint Protection | 2014-11-26 16:22:18 |
Lavasoft Ad-Watch Live! Anti-Virus | 2014-09-12 17:54:39 |
Avira Desktop | 2014-09-12 17:54:39 |
AVG AntiVirus Free Edition 2014 | 2014-08-07 10:44:56 |
Webroot SecureAnywhere | 2014-07-14 08:28:31 |
Is the Process "ff_protection.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "ff_protection.exe"
SAFErating from user bkg2018 for file %PROGRAMFILES%\STMicroelectronics\AccelerometerP11\FF_Protection.exe (Variant: 181870)
Same on my Dell E6520, this process is related to the gravity sensor and protects the hard droive against crashes.
SAFErating from user chris for file %PROGRAMFILES%\STMicroelectronics\AccelerometerP11\FF_Protection.exe (Variant: 181870)
In Samsung NB30 it is program that protect hard drive from Free Fall - this netbook have a gravity sensor that locks hard drive in case of netbook accidentally falling