What is the "etdctrl.exe" ?

Our database contains 2323 different files for filename etdctrl.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name etdctrl.exe. This files most often belongs to product ELAN Smart-Pad. and were most often developed by company ELAN Microelectronic Corp.. This files most often have description ETD Control Center. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 16 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process etdctrl.exe.

In most cases, the etdctrl.exe is an ETD Control Center application from ELAN Microelectronics Corp. - thsi applications is a touchpad solutions for notebooks, it enables the user the possibility to use multi-finger moves on the touch pad in a very similar way as in the smartphones screen, check more info on the project pages on http://www.emc.com.tw/eng/ap02_01_04_01_tps.asp

etdctrl.exe Process

File details of most used file with name "etdctrl.exe"

ELAN Smart-Pad
ELAN Microelectronic Corp.
ETD Control Center
7, 0, 6, 5
Operating System:
Windows 7
High oc2
Digital Signature:
ELAN Microelectronics Corporation

Is the Process "etdctrl.exe" Safe or Threat ?

Loading Graph
93% of reviewed files are marked as Safe .
Latest new variant of the file with name "etdctrl.exe" was discovered 4252 days ago. Our database contains 214 variants of the file "etdctrl.exe" with final rating Safe and zero variants with final rating Threat . Final ratings are based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.

User Reviews of the "etdctrl.exe"

There are multiple files in compliance with actual filter settings. All reviews for this files will be displayed.

Reviews for all files with name "etdctrl.exe"

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGFILES64%\Elantech\ETDCtrl.exe (Variant: 14431762)

    The etdctrl.exe is an ETD Control Center application from ELAN Microelectronics Corp. - thsi applications is a touchpad solutions for notebooks, it enables the user the possibility to use multi-finger moves on the touch pad in a very similar way as in the smartphones screen, check more info on the project pages on http://www.emc.com.tw/eng/ap02_01_04_01_tps.asp

  • SAFErating from user helper for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Elantech\ETDCtrl.exe (Variant: 26199)

    You need this for touchpad to work nicely (shortcuts and touch gestures). My temporal solution till they fix this bug: 1- Kill the task 2- Restart it by clicking C:\Program Files\Elantech\ETDctrl Thanks!

  • THREATrating from user we for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Elantech\ETDCtrl.exe (Variant: 2572)

    It's useless and runs down the battery-lifetime from 8 hours without it to 2 hours while running. While doing nothing else, the CPU was used about 40% until I killed the task.

  • SAFErating from user formola for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Elantech\ETDCtrl.exe

  • SAFErating from user Mike for file %PROGFILES64%\Elantech\ETDCtrl.exe (Variant: 48785)

    Elantech Control Center. Executable for Elantech's Control Center Tray Icon. Used for Customizing Touchpad Behavior.

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Elantech\ETDCtrl.exe (Variant: 2572)

    This file is part of a legitimate application, it was certified with Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility PCA.