What is the "dropbox.exe" ?

Our database contains 5343 different files for filename dropbox.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name dropbox.exe. This files most often belongs to product Dropbox. and were most often developed by company Dropbox, Inc.. This files most often have description Dropbox. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 39 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process dropbox.exe.

Dropbox is a cloud service for data (files) storage and sharing - user can use this service freely for storing any data or sending files to someone. The stored data are then accessible from any internet source so it can also server as a synchronizing tool, check more on https://www.dropbox.com/tour/0 :

"Dropbox is a home for all your photos, docs, videos, and files. Anything you add to Dropbox will automatically show up on all your computers, phones and even the Dropbox website — so you can access your stuff from anywhere. Dropbox also makes it super easy to share with others, whether you're a student or professional, parent or grandparent..."

dropbox.exe Process

File details of most used file with name "dropbox.exe"

Dropbox, Inc.
Operating System:
Windows 7
High oc2
Digital Signature:

Is the Process "dropbox.exe" Safe or Threat ?

Loading Graph
100% of reviewed files are marked as Safe .
Latest new variant of the file with name "dropbox.exe" was discovered 4364 days ago. Our database contains 85 variants of the file "dropbox.exe" with final rating Safe and zero variants with final rating Threat . Final ratings are based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.

User Reviews of the "dropbox.exe"

There are multiple files in compliance with actual filter settings. All reviews for this files will be displayed.

Reviews for all files with name "dropbox.exe"

  • SAFErating from user Randy for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Dropbox\Client\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user Rosenvik for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user petsie for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Dropbox\Client\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user Simon for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user .mau. for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user Robert B for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe (Variant: 31495291)

    Dropbox 3.2.9

  • SAFErating from user jpn_tm for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user bodhisattva for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user Ferca for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user Twoface for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe (Variant: 24346313)

    This is Cloud disk. www.dropbox.com

  • SAFErating from user tritong for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user TheSoulrester for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exeflag de

  • SAFErating from user JCGL for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe (Variant: 18548893)

    Dropbox ia a cloud service for data (files) storage and sharing - user can use this service freely fo storing any data or sending files to someone. The stored data are then accessible from any internet source so it can also server as a synchronizing tool, check more on https://www.dropbox.com/tour/0

  • SAFErating from user devilalan for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe (Variant: 18594491)

    Dropbox "cloud" Dropbox is the easiest way to store, sync and share files online

  • SAFErating from user Dmitry Yerokhin for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user Samuel Nord for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user Samuel Smith for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 11885559)

    Main executable for the Dropbox application - "Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers. Put your files into your Dropbox on one computer, and they''ll be instantly available on any of your other computers that you''ve installed Dropbox on (Windows, Mac, and Linux too!) Because a copy of your files are stored on Dropbox's secure servers, you can also access them from any computer or mobile device using the Dropbox website. " More info on http://www.dropbox.com/tour

  • SAFErating from user gigisector for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 6092066)

    Dropbox è un software che sincronizza i tuoi file online con le cartelle del tuo computer. Il miglior file cloud system

  • SAFErating from user 3hlav for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 6103585)

    "Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers. Put your files into your Dropbox on one computer, and they''ll be instantly available on any of your other computers that you''ve installed Dropbox on (Windows, Mac, and Linux too!) Because a copy of your files are stored on Dropbox's secure servers, you can also access them from any computer or mobile device using the Dropbox website. " More info on http://www.dropbox.com/tour

  • SAFErating from user AL|EN for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 2746653)

    This file belongs to product Dropbox and was developed by company Dropbox, Inc..

  • SAFErating from user LagannBTT for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 1134186)

    Dropbox, a file sync service. http://www.dropbox.com/

  • SAFErating from user Somnambulist for file %SystemDiskRoot%\Users\felix\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 990072)

    Dropbox is a tool, that allows you to store data on a server. It's available for Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, iOS, Android and Blackberry. It automatically creates a directory on your PC. Every file or directory in there will be automatically submittet to the server (old files will be updated or deleted). You do allways have the ability to download older versions of your files. And you do not need to have dropbox installed on your PC to have access to your data. You just need to go on http://www.dropbox.com/ and you can download every folder or file. You have 2gb free space on the server, if you want to have more space you need to buy a premium account. It's totally save and a great tool

  • SAFErating from user Admin for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe

  • SAFErating from user TonyR for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 727032)

    Dropbox directory/file sync service

  • SAFErating from user longknife for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 504712)

    one of the best free - file cloud system -

  • SAFErating from user Dyno for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 179783)

    Cloud DropBox service

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %APPDATA%\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Variant: 12717)

    "Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers. Put your files into your Dropbox on one computer, and they''ll be instantly available on any of your other computers that you''ve installed Dropbox on (Windows, Mac, and Linux too!) Because a copy of your files are stored on Dropbox's secure servers, you can also access them from any computer or mobile device using the Dropbox website. " More info on http://www.dropbox.com/tour