What is the "dragon.exe" ?
Our database contains 1572 different files for filename dragon.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name dragon.exe. This files most often belongs to product Comodo Dragon. and were most often developed by company COMODO. This files most often have description Comodo Dragon. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 17 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process dragon.exe.
In most cases, this file is the main executable for the Comodo Dragon internet Browser - a web browser based on Google Chrome open source objects, connected with the Comodo security features. More info can be found on http://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-toolbars/browser.php
"A Chromium technology-based Browser that offers you all of Chrome's features PLUS the unparalleled level of security and privacy you only get from Comodo. Including a greater level of privacy than Chromium technology offers."

File details of most used file with name "dragon.exe"
- Product:
- Comodo Dragon
- Company:
- Description:
- Comodo Dragon
- Version:
- MD5:
- bbea43d56c9dbe882c90d0d2c574e20f
- SHA1:
- 0d18c8743f4967437ad4af9ace2dd9d830f8d066
- SHA256:
- 9892a44d8d1f8f0cc7031485fadf4ca0a147c3886228216a1a56847d6edfb9c8
- Size:
- 1753744
- Directory:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon
- Operating System:
- Windows Vista
- Occurence:
- High
- Digital Signature:
- Comodo Security Solutions
Is the Process "dragon.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "dragon.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "dragon.exe"
SAFErating from user Marty for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe
SAFErating from user MacTwig for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe
SAFErating from user fabzfia112 for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe (Variant: 21457397)
It is web browser from Comodo, based on Chromium. Safe and good software.
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %SystemDiskRoot%\Documents and Settings\salo mari\Desktop\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe (Variant: 21157484)
This file is the main executable for the Comodo Dragon internet Browser - a web browser based on Google Chrome open source objects, connected with the Comodo security features. More info can be found on http://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-toolbars/browser.php
"A Chromium technology-based Browser that offers you all of Chrome's features PLUS the unparalleled level of security and privacy you only get from Comodo. Including a greater level of privacy than Chromium technology offers." -
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file E:\Comodo\DragonV29.1\dragon.exe (Variant: 21169985)
In most cases, this file is the main executable for the Comodo Dragon internet Browser - a web browser based on Google Chrome open source objects, connected with the Comodo security features. More info can be found on http://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-toolbars/browser.php
"A Chromium technology-based Browser that offers you all of Chrome's features PLUS the unparalleled level of security and privacy you only get from Comodo. Including a greater level of privacy than Chromium technology offers." -
SAFErating from user toni for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe (Variant: 21124423)
Comnodo Dragon Browser, based on Chrome.
SAFErating from user boris for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe
SAFErating from user jazztrane for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe
SAFErating from user cavehomme for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe (Variant: 8494831)
Comodo's own safe browser on a modifoed Chrome
SAFErating from user Jaska for file E:\Program Files\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe (Variant: 6492981)
Internet Browser, a good one!!
SAFErating from user a for file K:\Portable Dragon version\Dragon\dragon.exe (Variant: 1139027)
Comodo Securities' Chromium-based web browser in portable form.Most secure family of web browsers I've used so far.
SAFErating from user 9lpa for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe (Variant: 33074)
Internet Browser
SAFErating from user whodo for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Comodo\Dragon\dragon.exe (Variant: 9807)
A modified version of Google Chrome