What is the "dpnet.dll" ?
Our database contains 73 different files for filename dpnet.dll . You can also check most distributed file variants with name dpnet.dll. This files most often belongs to product Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. and were most often developed by company Microsoft Corporation. This files most often have description Microsoft DirectPlay. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 1 reviews.This file is Dynamic-link Library. This library can be loaded and executed in any running process.

File details of most used file with name "dpnet.dll"
- Product:
- Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
- Company:
- Microsoft Corporation
- Description:
- Microsoft DirectPlay
- Version:
- 5.3.2600.5512
- MD5:
- 2b2f9d5fa765ecc1e36381fca3a1fda8
- SHA1:
- 7ba042cb6bd534616c421b99a0ef3234fcd2751c
- SHA256:
- f0f07d7b83fc5acffd96b4fe32d3a1d93a0013585b32d3ef9b24d6cafd89b894
- Size:
- 375296
- Directory:
- C:\Windows\System32\
- Operating System:
- Windows XP
- Occurence:
- Low
Is the library "dpnet.dll" Safe or Threat ?
100% of reviewed files are marked as System file.
User Reviews of the "dpnet.dll"
Reviews for all files with name "dpnet.dll"
SAFErating from user IkaruShinji for file C:\Windows\System32\dpnet.dll (Variant: 781961)
The DLL dpnet.dll is Microsoft DirectPLay. This dynamic link library is part of DirectX API (Application Programming Interface). It was created by Microsoft Corporation as a network communication library for the development of computer games using DirectX technology. The module dpnet.dll has an advanced, complex interface that allows applications to communicate and connect games through a modem link, over the Internet, or via local area network (LAN).