What is the "btkernel.dll" ?
Our database contains 19 different files for filename btkernel.dll . You can also check most distributed file variants with name btkernel.dll. This files most often belongs to product BTKernel 库. . This files most often have description BTKernel 库. This file is Dynamic-link Library. This library can be loaded and executed in any running process.

File details of most used file with name "btkernel.dll"
- Product:
- BTKernel 库
- Company:
- (Empty Value)
- Description:
- BTKernel 库
- Version:
- MD5:
- 91966f2237e99f8913ec74e990c7b2a3
- SHA1:
- 6f33da4d822fb438f814cc38a6559c8187a96d13
- SHA256:
- 8242ba5957e668e98bdc29771d5566958897c935219e92fc421264ddce596ee4
- Size:
- 386032
- Directory:
- Operating System:
- Windows 8
- Occurence:
- Low
- Digital Signature:
- BeiJing Doyo Networking Technologies Ltd.
Is the library "btkernel.dll" Safe or Threat ?
Latest new variant of the file with name "btkernel.dll" was discovered 4414 days ago. Our database contains 1 variants of the file "btkernel.dll". All variants are in this time rated as unknown.