What is the "ayagent.aye" ?
Our database contains 375 different files for filename ayagent.aye . You can also check most distributed file variants with name ayagent.aye. This files most often belongs to product ALYac. and were most often developed by company ESTsoft Corp. This files most often have description Tray Application. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 7 reviews.
This executable is part of the internet security suite ALYac from Korean company ESTsoft. It serves as an all-in-one internet browsing security solution, with malware protection and dual-core engine. Check more info on the products pages on http://global.alyac.com/home/security.aspx (for the ESTsoft company, check the http://www.estsoft.com/ pages) :
"ALYac Internet Security is a collective anti-malware program for protecting your PCs from outside online threats.
ALYac Internet Security boasts for using Dual Engines, providing Multi-Layer filtration for more thorough
detection and deletion of all forms of online threats."

File details of most used file with name "ayagent.aye"
- Product:
- ALYac
- Company:
- ESTsoft Corp
- Description:
- Tray Application
- Version:
- MD5:
- e62008fe74643627ed8e77ada114dd86
- SHA1:
- eb8dc6d79152090bc33e41ac104d1580731d4788
- SHA256:
- 9d126f39ff93735a05f66fac8f8fc155e2ef9dd5c10fd1e043e4df94589fb950
- Size:
- 496000
- Directory:
- Operating System:
- Windows 8
- Occurence:
- Medium
- Digital Signature:
- ESTsoft Corp.
Is the "ayagent.aye" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "ayagent.aye"
Reviews for all files with name "ayagent.aye"
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGFILES64%\ESTsoft\ALYac\ayagent.aye (Variant: 22303644)
This executable is part of the internet security suite ALYac from Korean company ESTsoft. It serves as an all-in-one internet browsing security solution, with malware protection and dual-core engine. Check more info on the products pages on http://global.alyac.com/home/security.aspx (for the ESTsoft company, check the http://www.estsoft.com/ pages)
SAFErating from user Tester for file %PROGRAMFILES%\ESTsoft\ALYac\ayagent.aye (Variant: 21853998)
Korea Security Program ESTsoft(www.altools.co.kr) for ALYac Agent Processes
SAFErating from user whoareyou for file %PROGRAMFILES%\ESTsoft\ALYac\AYAgent.aye (Variant: 507289)
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