10% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9567.500 | 22425123 |
6.67% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9556.500 | 23111052 |
6.67% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9556.500 | 29007685 |
6.67% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9556.500 | 29121664 |
6.67% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ IBM \ Lotus \ Symphony \ framework \ shared \ eclipse \ plugins \ com.ibm.symphony.basis.writer.win32_3.0.1.20120110-2000 \ basis \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | IBM | 3.0.500.0 | 21293978 |
3.33% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Portableapps \ OpenOfficePortable \ App \ openoffice \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.2.9476.500 | 22555437 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9556.500 | 27586702 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ Basis \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 3.0.500.0 | 11650418 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sun \ StarOffice 9 \ Basis \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 2.0.500.0 | 24259198 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ Basis \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 3.0.500.0 | 29368069 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ Basis \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 3.0.500.0 | 21435894 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.2.9497.500 | 22020151 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.2.9497.500 | 27299774 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.2.9476.500 | 31528512 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9556.500 | 17027298 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.2.9497.500 | 21687094 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9556.500 | 25373376 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9556.500 | 30871754 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ White Label Office 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.3.9568.500 | 33244621 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ LibreOffice 3.4 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | The Document Foundation | 3.4.502.500 | 27306140 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ LibreOffice 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | The Document Foundation | | 23882457 |
3.33% | D: \ Portable \ OpenOfficePortable \ App \ openoffice \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.2.9476.500 | 21748564 |
3.33% | F: \ SW \ Prt \ 140703-Prt \ PortableApps \ OpenOfficePortable \ App \ openoffice \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.2.9476.500 | 26701465 |
3.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ OpenOffice.org 3 \ program \ t602filtermi.dll | | OpenOffice.org | 3.2.9497.500 | 31388229 |