25.93% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Корпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4448878 |
14.87% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 2649892 |
5.79% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows-Defragmentierung | Microsoft Corp. und Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4635341 |
5.1% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Defragmentator dysków systemu Windows | Microsoft Corp. i Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4623653 |
4.58% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4522431 |
4.15% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Desfragmentador de disco de Windows | Microsoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4517413 |
3.63% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 781838 |
3.28% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Défragmenteur de disque Windows | Microsoft Corp. et Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4532450 |
2.77% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 7369478 |
2.77% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4787631 |
2.42% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4422857 |
2.25% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 4684005 |
2.16% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 5236600 |
2.07% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Utilità di deframmentazione dischi di Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 8901892 |
1.21% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 5619324 |
1.21% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 4934431 |
0.86% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.966.0 | 6084603 |
0.86% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 7406212 |
0.78% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 6906225 |
0.78% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Корпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 5113086 |
0.69% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 10220896 |
0.69% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows lemeztöredezettség-mentesítő | Microsoft Corp. és Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 5424437 |
0.61% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 5272414 |
0.61% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Desfragmentador de disco de Windows | Microsoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 7734581 |
0.61% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 14.0.913.0 | 13593428 |
0.61% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 6355245 |
0.43% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows-Defragmentierung | Microsoft Corp. und Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 4674438 |
0.43% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. e Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 6400526 |
0.43% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Birleştirici | Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 4766151 |
0.35% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 5580675 |
0.35% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.966.0 | 8814629 |
0.35% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.951.0 | 8227539 |
0.26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Utilità di deframmentazione dischi di Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 5366785 |
0.26% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.968.0 | 13277476 |
0.26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.1830 | 22720362 |
0.26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Desfragmentador de disco de Windows | Microsoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 4665471 |
0.26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.1106 | 30427367 |
0.26% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Defragmentator dysków systemu Windows | Microsoft Corp. i Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 4575104 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 13544059 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.1830 | 12211218 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 25620000 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Défragmenteur de disque Windows | Microsoft Corp. et Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 14371622 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 22643413 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 7056881 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Utilità di deframmentazione dischi di Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 13674981 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows-Defragmentierung | Microsoft Corp. und Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.0 | 26698098 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Ανασυγκρότηση δίσκων των Windows | Microsoft Corpration και Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 17067328 |
0.17% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Executive Software \ DiskeeperLite \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Executive Software International, Inc. | 7.0.418.0 | 10503471 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Программа дефрагментации дисков Windows | Корпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5503 | 16960350 |
0.17% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.1830 | 24404639 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.2825 | 25560879 |
0.09% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Executive Software International, Inc. | 8.0.459.0 | 31181636 |
0.09% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.952.0 | 21725180 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.0 | 18620634 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 8801191 |
0.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Executive Software \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Executive Software International, Inc. | 8.0.478.0 | 28271715 |
0.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.958.0 | 22894530 |
0.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 14.0.909.0 | 21319858 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows-Defragmentierung | Microsoft Corp. und Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.3264 | 15466654 |
0.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 9.0.541.0 | 2801621 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 6074387 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows lemeztöredezettség-mentesítő | Microsoft Corp. és Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 13242145 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Défragmenteur de disque Windows | Microsoft Corp. et Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 5400663 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.1106 | 7057509 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Defragmentator dysków systemu Windows | Microsoft Corp. i Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 18707693 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.3300 | 29083331 |
0.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.968.0 | 22918816 |
0.09% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.963.0 | 13724957 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 12246179 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Desfragmentador de disco do Windows | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 5320633 |
0.09% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.952.0 | 6957182 |
0.09% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.958.0 | 17124429 |
0.09% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Diskeeper 2008 \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 12.0.758.0 | 22331391 |
0.09% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.968.0 | 23695430 |
0.09% | %PROGFILES64% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.954.0 | 7150748 |
0.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.956.0 | 1904988 |
0.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 10.0.593.0 | 18711451 |
0.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Diskeeper Corporation \ Diskeeper \ dfrgsnap.dll | Diskeeper (TM) Disk Defragmenter | Diskeeper Corporation | 15.0.954.0 | 9978532 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 6680258 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Défragmenteur de disque Windows | Microsoft Corp. et Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.2180 | 14901899 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows lemeztöredezettség-mentesítő | Microsoft Corp. és Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.2.3790.3959 | 7670980 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ dllcache \ dfrgsnap.dll | Windows Disk Defragmenter | Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc. | 5.1.2600.5512 | 30205345 |