System Explorer > Base de Datos de Archivos > Archivos > xocr.dll

Top file variants for xocr.dll

Users Filename Product Company Version Variant
9,59%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Freedom Scientific \ Shared \ FSOcr \ Plugins \ OmniPage 16.0 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.4.9617.16325991162
6,71%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll18774891
6,47%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.174611365646
5,76%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.17463314051
5,52%%PROGRAMFILES% \ LG Smart Scan \ xocr.dll19196966
3,36%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Freedom Scientific \ Shared \ FSOcr \ Plugins \ OmniPage 16.0 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.4.9617.16327285177
3,12%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Freedom Scientific \ Shared \ FSOcr \ Plugins \ OmniPage 19 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.19.0.13580.93827905950
3,12%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll21591689
2,16%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12517.10017529981
1,92%%PROGRAMFILES% \ ScanSoft \ OmniPagePro14.0 \ xocr.dllOmniPage ProScanSoft, Inc.14.0.2004.30811412736
1,92%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll30683063
1,92%%PROGRAMFILES% \ LG Smart Scan \ xocr.dll18817380
1,68%%PROGRAMFILES% \ LG Smart Scan \ xocr.dll21748652
1,68%%PROGRAMFILES% \ LG Smart Scan \ xocr.dll24713008
1,44%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.17463908907
1,44%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.174624436140
1,44%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 7 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11404.10016387902
1,44%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Scanner Mouse \ xocr.dll22079066
1,44%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.51.12380.172219901471
1,44%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Scanner Mouse \ xocr.dll22129304
1,2%%PROGRAMFILES% \ ScanSoft \ OmniPagePro14.0 \ xocr.dllOmniPage ProScanSoft, Inc.14.0.2003.111111912052
1,2%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Freedom Scientific \ Shared \ FSOcr \ Plugins \ OmniPage 16.0 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.4.9617.163223468670
1,2%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11316.160013809126
0,96%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Scanner Mouse \ xocr.dll25090279
0,96%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll32102553
0,96%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Scanner Mouse \ xocr.dll15767835
0,96%%PROGRAMFILES% \ ScanSoft \ OmniPagePro14.0 \ xocr.dllOmniPage ProScanSoft, Inc.14.0.2003.111111619393
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11316.160021187677
0,72%%SYSDIR% \ xocr.dllOmniPage Capture SDKScanSoft, Inc.12.6.2005.504122646470
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Wipe-Scan \ xocr.dll23184412
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.174614291455
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.12.9316.1003443186
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ LG Smart Scan \ xocr.dll11568425
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.174622727124
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12517.10017217984
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ ScanSoft \ OmniPagePro14.0 \ xocr.dllOmniPage ProScanSoft, Inc.14.0.2004.30813216596
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll28901052
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 7 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11120.1005078861
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ PDF Professional 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12517.10021544856
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ ScanSoft \ OmniPagePro14.0 \ xocr.dllOmniPage ProScanSoft, Inc.14.0.2003.1111122894714
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll23441864
0,72%%PROGRAMFILES% \ CLX.ScanMouse \ xocr.dll28590676
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ LG Smart Scan \ xocr.dll11537838
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ ScanSoft \ OmniPagePro14.0 \ xocr.dllOmniPage ProScanSoft, Inc.14.0.2004.308117109622
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 7 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11404.10030083524
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ eCopy PDF Pro Office \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11164.20175355212
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ mySCAN \ xocr.dll32905347
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ mySCAN \ xocr.dll26017703
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 7 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11404.1004441656
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort12 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.174624263513
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Scanner Mouse \ xocr.dll21543391
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Scanner Mouse \ xocr.dll23239382
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ mySCAN \ xocr.dll26982829
0,48%%SystemDiskRoot% \ Paperport \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11316.160031801133
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ mySCAN \ xocr.dll26504683
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12519.10024566668
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 6 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.12.9316.10016777989
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ eCopy PDF Pro Office \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11164.201721706705
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ LG Smart Scan \ xocr.dll22390893
0,48%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ Power PDF \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.19.10.14121.133225785560
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Sharp \ Sharpdesk \ xocr.dllOmniPage Capture SDKScanSoft, Inc.12.5.2004.713126594855
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Create 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.51.12380.172224238023
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Kodak \ Document Imaging \ kds_i2000 \ Smart Touch \ Workstation \ Plugins \ Shared Files \ Nuance \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12519.10030894688
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Xerox Scan To PC Desktop 11 \ PaperPort12 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.174627318661
0,24%%SystemDiskRoot% \ _ANW \ _SCS \ PDF_Power \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.19.10.14208.155524631532
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ LG Smart Scan \ xocr.dll32269304
0,24%E: \ Program Files (x86) \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.62.13302.90929337484
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ ScanSoft \ OmniPagePro14.0 \ xocr.dllOmniPage ProScanSoft, Inc.14.0.2003.1028126946106
0,24%F: \ Program Files (x86) \ Nuance \ PaperPort12 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.174624297588
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.3.9559.174621561424
0,24%D: \ Programme \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12517.10031410463
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12517.10022191875
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Scanner Mouse \ xocr.dll33141527
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 7 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.17.0.10354.10447606186
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 5 \ xocr.dllScansoft PDF ProductsNuance Communications, Inc.5.0.8207.10022418785
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ OVOTEC Mouse Scanner \ xocr.dll28704848
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.12.9316.10026728548
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ CLX.ScanMouse \ xocr.dll31121960
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll27602857
0,24%%ALLUSERS_APPDATA% \ The Neat Company \ NeatWorks \ ocr \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.1.9104.1001604298
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll32511755
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ PDF Prof \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12517.10029398666
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Sharp \ Sharpdesk \ xocr.dllOmniPage Capture SDKScanSoft, Inc.12.6.2005.504130197662
0,24%Z: \ Prgm's \ PaperPort \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11316.160024346574
0,24%D: \ Program Files \ Nuance \ PDF Professional 7 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11404.10022330943
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll28499744
0,24%D: \ PROGRAM FILES \ xocr.dllOmniPage ProScanSoft, Inc.14.0.2003.1111125210940
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Kodak \ Document Imaging \ kds_i900 \ Smart Touch \ Workstation \ Plugins \ Shared Files \ Nuance \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12519.10033058650
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ NUANCE \ OMNIPAGE18 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11275.10033144346
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Nuance \ PDF Create 8 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.6.12517.10023576168
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Scanner Mouse \ xocr.dll30829509
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ xocr.dll32190754
0,24%D: \ Program Files \ PDF - Nuance PDF Converter \ Nuance PDF Converter \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.5.12254.10022438130
0,24%%ALLUSERS_APPDATA% \ The Neat Company \ NeatWorks \ ocr \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.16.1.9104.1003755318
0,24%D: \ iriscan_mouse_executive2 \ prg \ xocr.dll29724828
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ CLX.ScanMouse \ xocr.dll26876833
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ NUANCE \ OMNIPAGE18 \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11363.10024295289
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ xocr.dll31391048
0,24%%PROGRAMFILES% \ IRIScan Mouse \ xocr.dll27715318
0,24%D: \ Nuance Paper Port 14 Pro \ PaperPort \ xocr.dllNuance OmniPage Capture SDKNuance Communications, Inc.18.0.11316.160025034888
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