System Explorer > Файловая база данных > Файлы > msfpccom.dll

Top file variants for msfpccom.dll

Users Filename Product Company Version Variant
32,43%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2167.8874795305
8,11%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006Microsoft (R) Corporation5.0.5723.4932081610
8,11%%PROGFILES64% \ Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway Microsoft (R) Corporation7.0.9193.50012870802
5,41%%PROGFILES64% \ Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway Microsoft (R) Corporation7.0.9193.57520939100
5,41%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006Microsoft (R) Corporation5.0.5720.1004187305
5,41%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2167.88730421989
5,41%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006Microsoft (R) Corporation5.0.5723.5142379481
5,41%%PROGFILES64% \ Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway Microsoft (R) Corporation7.0.7734.10026826261
5,41%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006Microsoft (R) Corporation5.0.5723.5142918905
5,41%%PROGFILES64% \ Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway Microsoft (R) Corporation7.0.9193.5006475315
2,7%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006Microsoft (R) Corporation5.0.5723.51425929788
2,7%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2165.5948027888
2,7%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2167.88724291348
2,7%D: \ Arquivos de programas \ Isaserve2004 \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2167.88724446841
2,7%%PROGFILES64% \ Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway \ msfpccom.dllMicrosoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway Microsoft (R) Corporation7.0.9193.51529285275
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