System Explorer > Banco de Dados de Arquivos > Arquivos > rose.stv

Top file variants for rose.stv

Users Filename Product Company Version Variant
62,02%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.11466448
16,28%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.19366153
12,4%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.11627004
3,1%%SystemDiskRoot% \ prog \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.127093490
1,55%D: \ Program Files (x86) \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.116706583
0,78%%SystemDiskRoot% \ Wintools \ SayTheTime10 \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.126339980
0,78%D: \ My Software \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.115323157
0,78%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Broderbund \ Atomic Clock 8.0 \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.125009467
0,78%%PROGFILES64% \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.125875915
0,78%D: \ Program Files \ apps \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.132748400
0,78%G: \ Program Files (x86) \ Say the Time \ Voices \ rose.stvSay the Time Voice - RoseProvenio Software Corporation1.0.0.120533650
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