System Explorer > Banco de Dados de Arquivos > Arquivos > dfrgfat.exe

Top file variants for dfrgfat.exe

Users Filename Product Company Version Variant
26,79%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeПрограмма дефрагментации дисков WindowsКорпорация Майкрософт и Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.5512770672
17,86%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeWindows Disk DefragmenterMicrosoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.5512642292
8,93%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeUtilità di deframmentazione dischi di WindowsMicrosoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.55125009666
7,14%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeDefragmentator dysków systemu WindowsMicrosoft Corp. i Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.55122461841
7,14%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeWindows Disk DefragmenterMicrosoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.2180871248
7,14%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeWindows Disk DefragmenterMicrosoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.5512959676
5,36%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeWindows-DefragmentierungMicrosoft Corporation und Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.55121078003
5,36%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeWindows Disk DefragmenterMicrosoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.5512681564
5,36%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeDesfragmentador de disco de WindowsMicrosoft Corp. y Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.55122939863
5,36%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeDéfragmenteur de disque WindowsMicrosoft Corp. et Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.55121913007
3,57%%SYSDIR% \ dfrgfat.exeWindows Disk DefragmenterMicrosoft Corp. and Executive Software International, Inc.5.1.2600.55121067656
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