31.58% | %TEMP% \ {fc46d1b2-9557-4c1f-baac-04af4d2db7e4} \ .be \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 13778467 |
15.79% | %USERPROFILE% \ Downloads \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 20087862 |
5.26% | %USERDOCUMENTS% \ pcwUpgradeWin_v2.0 \ pcwUpgradeWin_v2.0 \ Tools \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 27900319 |
5.26% | %USERDOCUMENTS% \ MultiPE_v1.4 \ MultiPE \ Tools \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 21560433 |
2.63% | M: \ ++___prg___++ \ spaceloopxl---16gbstik \ Der Mega-USB-Stick \ MultiPE_v1.3 \ Tools \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 23205661 |
2.63% | C: \ Users \ DBT-WIN 7 \ Downloads \ Programs \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 30238558 |
2.63% | %USERPROFILE% \ Downloads \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 19616988 |
2.63% | %DESKTOP% \ soft \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 27986995 |
2.63% | G: \ ##DATEN \ Downloads \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 31813013 |
2.63% | %DESKTOP% \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 22990933 |
2.63% | H: \ 新增資料夾 \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 29462225 |
2.63% | %USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Temporary Internet Files \ Content.IE5 \ VD6GJ930 \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 24952668 |
2.63% | D: \ MyDoc \ Downloads \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 30631641 |
2.63% | %TEMP% \ {fc46d1b2-9557-4c1f-baac-04af4d2db7e4} \ .be \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 14247224 |
2.63% | D: \ Download \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 28066105 |
2.63% | E: \ фото \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 23060370 |
2.63% | %DESKTOP% \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 30133221 |
2.63% | %TEMP% \ {fc46d1b2-9557-4c1f-baac-04af4d2db7e4} \ .be \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 16791199 |
2.63% | %USERDOCUMENTS% \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 30819667 |
2.63% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ pcwUpgradeWin_v2.0 \ Tools \ adksetup.exe | Assessment and Deployment Kit | Microsoft Corporation | 8.59.25584.0 | 28242106 |