System Explorer > ファイルデータベース > ファイル > vps2.dll

Top file variants for vps2.dll

Users Filename Product Company Version Variant
70.59%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ vps2.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2167.8874795824
11.76%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ vps2.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2167.88730422007
5.88%D: \ Arquivos de programas \ Isaserve2004 \ vps2.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2167.88724446919
5.88%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ vps2.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2165.5948027890
5.88%%PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft ISA Server \ vps2.dllMicrosoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004Microsoft (R) Corporation4.0.2167.88724291451
You can also check global information about vps2.dll.