16.1% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sony \ VAIO Event Service \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1298017 |
14.13% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 514480 |
6.11% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sony \ VAIO Event Service \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1572346 |
4.91% | %WINDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4511393 |
4.27% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ PORTRAIT DISPLAYS \ PIVOT SOFTWARE \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1478777 |
4.06% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4492674 |
3.43% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 515047 |
3.15% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 520476 |
3.11% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4694807 |
3.09% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Stardock \ ObjectDock \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1388346 |
2.55% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sony \ VAIO Power Management \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1389875 |
2.33% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sony \ VAIO Event Service \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1389757 |
1.68% | %WINDIR% \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v1.0.3705 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4574536 |
1.51% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Paseczek \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 3457901 |
1.51% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9981.0 | 545692 |
1.42% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 574687 |
1.28% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ PORTRAIT DISPLAYS \ PIVOT SOFTWARE \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 10413909 |
1.27% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 4614945 |
1.24% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ 1Password \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1390091 |
1.22% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 745056 |
1.13% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 12980831 |
1.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Stardock \ ObjectDock \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1430612 |
1.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ 1Password 4 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 25641172 |
0.97% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sony \ VAIO Event Service \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 3995726 |
0.88% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ 1Password \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 6848522 |
0.87% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ AvaFind \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1577092 |
0.84% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sony \ VAIO Power Management \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1718566 |
0.77% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ PORTRAIT DISPLAYS \ PIVOT SOFTWARE \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1515213 |
0.76% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ 1Password 4 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 23138093 |
0.73% | %WINDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 5389141 |
0.73% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ teraterm \ Collector \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1182649 |
0.72% | %COMMONFILES% \ SURETHING SHARED \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2499992 |
0.61% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Stardock \ ObjectDock \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 5816299 |
0.54% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ EmailTray \ bin \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 17774406 |
0.51% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sonic \ RecordNow! \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1506712 |
0.5% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ EmailTray \ bin \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4451337 |
0.43% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ PORTRAIT DISPLAYS \ PIVOT SOFTWARE \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1911633 |
0.38% | %WINDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4511386 |
0.38% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9981.0 | 5520188 |
0.37% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Kerio \ Personal Firewall 4 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 1863486 |
0.35% | %WINDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4455500 |
0.32% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ EnvisionWare \ lptone \ lptclient \ lpttpc \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2494402 |
0.31% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ KONICA MINOLTA \ PageScope Box Operator3 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2485157 |
0.25% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ teraterm \ Collector \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 16468291 |
0.24% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Sony \ VAIO Power Management \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1654669 |
0.24% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 5133221 |
0.23% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4861563 |
0.23% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ AvaFind \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1686699 |
0.23% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9981.0 | 4624866 |
0.23% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Stardock \ ObjectDock \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1384959 |
0.19% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 9302564 |
0.19% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Dassault Systemes \ B17 \ intel_a \ code \ bin \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 1757762 |
0.17% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ EnvisionWare \ lptone \ lptclient \ lpttpc \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2025755 |
0.16% | D: \ Programme \ Personal Firewall 4 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 18912869 |
0.15% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 15922964 |
0.15% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ EscapeClosePro \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4642459 |
0.15% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Dassault Systemes \ B16 \ intel_a \ code \ bin \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 8590078 |
0.14% | %COMMONFILES% \ SURETHING SHARED \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2190706 |
0.14% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ EnvisionWare \ lptone \ lptclient \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2025750 |
0.14% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ MFP Utility \ Box Operator3 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 9398092 |
0.13% | %COMMONFILES% \ SURETHING SHARED \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1621265 |
0.12% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Paseczek \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 24077062 |
0.12% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9447.0 | 14049314 |
0.11% | %WINDIR% \ Alienware Skin Pack \ AlienwareDock \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 6714795 |
0.11% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ FRITZ! \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2066333 |
0.11% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 4639741 |
0.1% | D: \ Program Files \ uICE \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 25674458 |
0.1% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ EmailTray \ bin \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1678572 |
0.09% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9447.0 | 6161662 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ hiro's tool \ WindowTP \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 513480 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ wwall2_197 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2012336 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Borland \ BDS \ 4.0 \ Bin \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1746972 |
0.08% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9495.0 | 1168528 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Dassault Systemes \ B17 \ intel_a \ code \ bin \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 1869559 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ AlienGUIse \ AlienwareDock \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 3042584 |
0.08% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio.NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.10.2240.8 | 15631866 |
0.08% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Dassault Systemes \ B16 \ intel_a \ code \ bin \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 2065714 |
0.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ AutoCAD 2005 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 3892139 |
0.07% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Apps \ RecordNow \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1958377 |
0.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ CA \ SharedComponents \ iTechnology \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2588323 |
0.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ 1Password \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2209869 |
0.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Portrait Displays \ HP Display Assistant \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 6404611 |
0.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ IBM RecordNow! \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1886586 |
0.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ RecordNow! \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1653125 |
0.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Mindjet \ MindManager 6 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1998225 |
0.07% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ AutoCAD 2006 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1410390 |
0.07% | %WINDIR% \ SysWOW64 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9981.0 | 16252583 |
0.06% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Mindjet \ MindManager 5 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 5336365 |
0.06% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Portrait Displays \ MagicTune \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 6909527 |
0.06% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9955.0 | 17238050 |
0.06% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ AvaFind \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 12065208 |
0.06% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Voice of God Recordings \ The Table 2008 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 22226097 |
0.06% | %DESKTOP% \ ショートカット集 \ wwall2_197 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 7836529 |
0.06% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Kerio \ Personal Firewall 4 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 2157748 |
0.06% | Z: \ EnvisionWare \ lpttpc \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 22732446 |
0.06% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ KONICA MINOLTA \ PageScope Box Operator3 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1455751 |
0.06% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ Mindjet \ MindManager 6 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1906921 |
0.05% | %PROGRAMFILES% \ AutoCAD 2004 \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 1876949 |
0.05% | %SystemDiskRoot% \ Freeware \ WindowTP \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9466.0 | 15401849 |
0.05% | %SYSDIR% \ msvcr70.dll | Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET | Microsoft Corporation | 7.0.9495.0 | 991458 |