What is the "tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe" ?
Our database contains 1559 different files for filename tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe. This files most often belongs to product TuneUp Utilities 2013. and were most often developed by company TuneUp Software. This files most often have description TuneUp Utilities Service. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 28 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe.
This file is the main executable for the 32b version of the TuneUp Utilities service for MS Windows:
"Uncompromising performance, maximum battery life, a clutter-free PC experience and smart energy efficiency – that‘s exactly what you get with an all-new TuneUp Utilities™" - see more onhttp://www.tune-up.com/products/tuneup-utilities/features/
As can be seen from the pages, the TuneUp Utilities has become a new acquisition of the AVG antivirus company and now it is issued under AVG trademark.

File details of most used file with name "tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe"
- Product:
- TuneUp Utilities 2013
- Company:
- TuneUp Software
- Description:
- TuneUp Utilities Service
- Version:
- 13.0.3020.2
- MD5:
- fc740e4ff236b72ca59b8f762d30c7f3
- SHA1:
- 8d47b0f1c9c1e44326d3d2448e750b5e50fb6a22
- SHA256:
- 46e48c6d4af439564aa2913fab5c2808a9b646d2b4843e8496f2f03ef25df330
- Size:
- 1724192
- Directory:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2013
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- High
- Digital Signature:
- TuneUp Software
Is the Process "tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe" Safe or Threat ?
4% of reviewed files are marked as Threat .
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User Reviews of the "tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe"
SAFErating from user Arthur for file %PROGRAMFILES%\AVG\AVG PC Tuneup\tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe
SAFErating from user tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe
SAFErating from user Mona for file %PROGRAMFILES%\AVG\AVG PC Tuneup\tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2013\tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe (Variant: 22626026)
This file is the main executable for the 32b version of the TuneUp Utilities service for MS Windows:
"Uncompromising performance, maximum battery life, a clutter-free PC experience and smart energy efficiency – that‘s exactly what you get with an all-new TuneUp Utilities™" - see more onhttp://www.tune-up.com/products/tuneup-utilities/features/ -
SAFErating from user rgianoni for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2013\tuneuputilitiesservice32.exe
SAFErating from user TK for file %PROGRAMFILES%\AVG\AVG PC TuneUp\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe
SAFErating from user SinTapujos for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2013\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe
SAFErating from user w8sdz for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2013\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 13919430)
Provides services for TuneUp Utilities 2013.
SAFErating from user meriguana for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 10361570)
is safe part of tuneup Utilities
SAFErating from user Heather for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 10214038)
Is part of Tune Up program
SAFErating from user MERIGUANA for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 6223937)
"Uncompromising performance, maximum battery life, a clutter-free PC experience and smart energy efficiency – that‘s exactly what you get with an all-new TuneUp Utilities™ 2012" - see more on http://www.tune-up.com/products/tuneup-utilities/features/
SAFErating from user opli for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 5682328)
part of TUNEUP utilities - optimization system tool. stoppable from services.
SAFErating from user andreisandrea for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 5682328)
part of tuneup
SAFErating from user samit for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 3287006)
it is a safe file
THREATrating from user Realtor in Las Vegas for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2012\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 2950496)
Makes computer run slow. Cannot turn off even by uninstalling / deleting program. Uses lots and lots of memory. I am looking to get rid of it. I got it free with a rebate. I should have known better.
SAFErating from user tom for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2011\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 462350)
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2011\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 366569)
TuneUp Utilities Service from TuneUp Software, more info on http://www.tune-up.com//products/tuneup-utilities/
SAFErating from user Anonymous for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2010\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 266288)
This file is a part of the TuneUp Utilities (TuneUp Utilities Service) from TuneUp Software, more info can be found on http://www.tune-up.com//products/tuneup-utilities/
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\TuneUp Utilities 2010\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe (Variant: 9662)
This file is a part of the TuneUp Utilities (TuneUp Utilities Service) from TuneUp Software, more info can be found on http://www.tune-up.com//products/tuneup-utilities/
SAFErating from user Anonymous for file D:\Program Files\TuneUp Utilities 2010\TuneUpUtilitiesService32.exe