What is the "rapportinjservice_x64.exe" ?
Our database contains 336 different files for filename rapportinjservice_x64.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name rapportinjservice_x64.exe. This files most often belongs to product Rapport. and were most often developed by company Trusteer Ltd.. This files most often have description RapportInjService_x64. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 13 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process rapportinjservice_x64.exe.
This executable is the 64b service used for the Fraud Prevention application Rapport from Trusteer - Trusteer Rapport prevents phishing and Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) malware attacks. Check more info on http://www.trusteer.com/Products/Trusteer-Rapport

File details of most used file with name "rapportinjservice_x64.exe"
- Product:
- Rapport
- Company:
- Trusteer Ltd.
- Description:
- RapportInjService_x64
- Version:
- 3.5.1208.24
- MD5:
- bc1d34e8c3c32d5ab718763221cae641
- SHA1:
- 0f0ed3e12cbf11d741ca7a530fbc924310d7fd1c
- SHA256:
- 98695ed9cf133ccce489045a97a575b597cfa543cdf219cc621b2edb666127fb
- Size:
- 159064
- Directory:
- %SystemDiskRoot%\Users\Ed\AppData\Local\Trusteer\Rapport\app\bin\x64
- Operating System:
- Windows 8
- Occurence:
- Low
- Digital Signature:
- Trusteer
Is the Process "rapportinjservice_x64.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "rapportinjservice_x64.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "rapportinjservice_x64.exe"
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Trusteer\Rapport\bin\x64\rapportinjservice_x64.exe (Variant: 23419898)
This executable is the 64b service used for the Fraud Prevention application Rapport from Trusteer - Trusteer Rapport prevents phishing and Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) malware attacks. Check more info on http://www.trusteer.com/Products/Trusteer-Rapport
SAFErating from user Ad Tromp for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Trusteer\Rapport\bin\x64\rapportinjservice_x64.exe (Variant: 23335172)
checked by virustotal.com at 2014-03-21 12:32:49
SAFErating from user Ad Tromp for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Trusteer\Rapport\bin\x64\rapportinjservice_x64.exe (Variant: 23335172)
checked by virustotal with 51 scanners