What is the "rainmeter.exe" ?

Our database contains 606 different files for filename rainmeter.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name rainmeter.exe. This files most often belongs to product Rainmeter. . Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 22 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process rainmeter.exe.

This file is the main executable for the Rainmeter application : 

"Rainmeter displays customizable skins, like memory and battery power, RSS feeds and weather forecasts, right on your desktop. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and control your media player - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking. Rainmeter is at once an application and a toolkit.

- check more on http://rainmeter.net/cms/

rainmeter.exe Process

File details of most used file with name "rainmeter.exe"

(Empty Value)
(Empty Value)
D:\Program Files\Rainmeter
Operating System:
Windows 7
High oc2
Digital Signature:
Open Source Developer, Rainmeter

Is the Process "rainmeter.exe" Safe or Threat ?

Loading Graph
100% of reviewed files are marked as Safe .
Latest new variant of the file with name "rainmeter.exe" was discovered 4359 days ago. Our database contains 164 variants of the file "rainmeter.exe" with final rating Safe and zero variants with final rating Threat . Final ratings are based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.

User Reviews of the "rainmeter.exe"

There are multiple files in compliance with actual filter settings. All reviews for this files will be displayed.

Reviews for all files with name "rainmeter.exe"

  • SAFErating from user JpotatO for file D:\Program Files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe (Variant: 32875294)

    Rainmeter is a lightweight and higly extendable desktop customization software.
    It can display many system informations, and support external plugins in *.dll format build with Visual Studio 2013 and the Rainmeter SDK.
    Some things can be dangerous for the system, but all of this depend of the Skins Authors and what they integrated in theyre custom skins.

  • SAFErating from user Fred for file %PROGFILES64%\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe

  • SAFErating from user SD-564L for file %PROGFILES64%\Utilities\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe

  • SAFErating from user zipberlin for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exeflag ru

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne for file F:\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe (Variant: 18960477)

    This file is the main executable for the Rainmeter application : "Rainmeter displays customizable skins, like memory and battery power, RSS feeds and weather forecasts, right on your desktop. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and control your media player - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking. Rainmeter is at once an application and a toolkit." - check more on http://rainmeter.net/cms/

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe (Variant: 18923912)

    This file is the main executable for the Rainmeter application : "Rainmeter displays customizable skins, like memory and battery power, RSS feeds and weather forecasts, right on your desktop. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and control your media player - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking. Rainmeter is at once an application and a toolkit." - check more on http://rainmeter.net/cms/

  • SAFErating from user fr334a11 for file %PROGFILES64%\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe (Variant: 9502213)

    "Rainmeter displays customizable skins, like memory and battery power, RSS feeds and weather forecasts, right on your desktop. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and control your media player - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking. Rainmeter is at once an application and a toolkit. You are only limited by your imagination and creativity." Homepage: http://rainmeter.net/cms/

  • SAFErating from user stesl for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe (Variant: 4398850)


  • SAFErating from user SD-564L for file %PROGFILES64%\Utilities\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe (Variant: 6383200)

    Main executable for Rainmeter beta.

  • SAFErating from user Timecrash for file %PROGFILES64%\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe (Variant: 776811)

    Rainmeter is a system analysis tool, used for displaying user-created widgets on one's desktop, each one filled with information on the user's computer, the date and time, RSS feeds, and others. It is completely safe, and also one of the best widget engines I've ever had the pleasure of using.

  • SAFErating from user gila lo for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe (Variant: 341805)

    like it

  • SAFErating from user PadawaHn for file %PROGFILES64%\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe (Variant: 1054272)

    Rainmeter (Customizer Tool - rainmeter.net)

  • SAFErating from user longknife for file D:\Program Files\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe

  • SAFErating from user eska for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe (Variant: 341805)


  • SAFErating from user henry for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe

  • SAFErating from user dragonmage for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe (Variant: 35870)

    Rainmeter is a system monitoring and customization tool. http://rainmeter.net