What is the "piconstartup.exe" ?
Our database contains 216 different files for filename piconstartup.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name piconstartup.exe. This files most often belongs to product Intel(R) PIconStartup. and were most often developed by company Intel Corporation. This files most often have description PIcon startup utility. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 1 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process piconstartup.exe.
To understand the purpose of PIconStartup.exe, you need to know that Intel has something called Active Management Technology (AMT) built into its chips that will allow IT administrators to remotely support and manage a user’s computer, even if the user is not present or has turned off the computer. So Intel wanted to provide a way for the end user to tell if AMT was enabled on the system or not, and this is the IMSS (Intel Management and security Status) icon application. When PIconStartup.exe is in the startup of msconfig, an IMSS icon will show in the system tray. If you click on the icon, you can see if AMT is on or off and turn it off if you want to. In Windows7, this icon looks like a small blue key in a box outlined in blue. Removing PIconStartup.exe from startup just means the icon won't show up in the system tray and give a shortcut to the application interface for end user control of this AMT software. Removing PIconStartup.exe will not cause harm to the system.

File details of most used file with name "piconstartup.exe"
- Product:
- Intel(R) PIconStartup
- Company:
- Intel Corporation
- Description:
- PIcon startup utility
- Version:
- MD5:
- 4c7c4cadd2515329d9d40d7dc91c5930
- SHA1:
- ea261ea4272825dc631a284aa8414085b4b39655
- SHA256:
- 7f0bb59df698c949217036f12579ffeddd3444cfa26376824314e88e563eef0d
- Size:
- 133440
- Directory:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IMSS
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- Medium
- Digital Signature:
- Intel Corporation
Is the Process "piconstartup.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "piconstartup.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "piconstartup.exe"
SAFErating from user gaiusgracchus for file %COMMONFILES%\INTEL\PRIVACY ICON\PICONSTARTUP.EXE (Variant: 8692017)
To understand the purpose of PIconStartup.exe, you need to know that Intel has something called Active Management Technology (AMT) built into its chips that will allow IT administrators to remotely support and manage a user’s computer, even if the user is not present or has turned off the computer. So Intel wanted to provide a way for the end user to tell if AMT was enabled on the system or not, and this is the IMSS (Intel Management and security Status) icon application. When PIconStartup.exe is in the startup of msconfig, an IMSS icon will show in the system tray. If you click on the icon, you can see if AMT is on or off and turn it off if you want to. In Windows7, this icon looks like a small blue key in a box outlined in blue. Removing PIconStartup.exe from startup just means the icon won't show up in the system tray and give a shortcut to the application interface for end user control of this AMT software. Removing PIconStartup.exe will not cause harm to the system.