What is the "padui.nip" ?
Our database contains 31 different files for filename padui.nip . You can also check most distributed file variants with name padui.nip. This files most often belongs to product <날개셋> 한글 입력기. and were most often developed by company 김용묵 http://moogi.new21.org. This files most often have description 포인팅 장비를 이용한 입력 UI 모음.

File details of most used file with name "padui.nip"
- Product:
- <날개셋> 한글 입력기
- Company:
- 김용묵 http://moogi.new21.org
- Description:
- 포인팅 장비를 이용한 입력 UI 모음
- Version:
- MD5:
- 971823fc8e4a88bcd653b463439fd637
- SHA1:
- d764e7d8d932a9eb6c466f2d9a824d51a8ea2188
- SHA256:
- f996f7e0f1bf6ab0ce1f86d99359695f85476a787e630457b276d73856bcb515
- Size:
- 56320
- Directory:
- %COMMONFILES%\YmSoft\NgsLib\PlugIn
- Operating System:
- Windows XP
- Occurence:
- Low
Is the "padui.nip" Safe or Threat ?
Latest new variant of the file with name "padui.nip" was discovered 4372 days ago. Our database contains 6 variants of the file "padui.nip". All variants are in this time rated as unknown.