What is the "fbw.exe" ?
Our database contains 170 different files for filename fbw.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name fbw.exe. This files were most often developed by company AnchorFree Inc.. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 6 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process fbw.exe.
This executable is part of the Hotspot Shield application - internet and malware protection for Your PC, adware removal and e-mail securing application. Check more on http://www.hotspotshield.com/ or http://www.expatshield.com/ - securing applications from AnchorFree Ltd company, using this fbw.exe file.
File details of most used file with name "fbw.exe"
- Product:
- (Empty Value)
- Company:
- AnchorFree Inc.
- Description:
- (Empty Value)
- Version:
- MD5:
- 29624690a5c1a0937bb1671ef5ec3150
- SHA1:
- c92118ab63880774335d1e72c7a00be3fb33e0f4
- SHA256:
- c28b9021122741683d77e5eef5830bf73b36d913b7537359643dc209b8bca011
- Size:
- 533872
- Directory:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\Hotspot Shield\bin
- Operating System:
- Windows Vista
- Occurence:
- Medium
- Digital Signature:
- AnchorFree Inc
Is the Process "fbw.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "fbw.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "fbw.exe"
SAFErating from user Mikel for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Hotspot Shield\bin\fbw.exe
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %USERDOCUMENTS%\PROGRAMAS\Expat Shield\bin\fbw.exe (Variant: 5093923)
This executable is part of the Hotspot Shield application - internet and malware protection for Your PC, adware removal and e-mail securing application. Check more on http://www.hotspotshield.com/ or http://www.expatshield.com/ - securing applications from AnchorFree Ltd company, using this fbw.exe file.
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Hotspot Shield\bin\fbw.exe (Variant: 10910759)
This executable is part of the Hotspot Shield application - internet and malware protection for Your PC, adware removal and e-mail securing application. Check more on http://www.hotspotshield.com/