What is the "eappprxy.dll" ?
Our database contains 255 different files for filename eappprxy.dll . You can also check most distributed file variants with name eappprxy.dll. This files most often belongs to product Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. and were most often developed by company Microsoft Corporation. This files most often have description Microsoft EAPHost Peer Client DLL. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 1 reviews.This file is Dynamic-link Library. This library can be loaded and executed in any running process.

File details of most used file with name "eappprxy.dll"
- Product:
- Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
- Company:
- Microsoft Corporation
- Description:
- Microsoft EAPHost Peer Client DLL
- Version:
- 6.1.7600.16385
- MD5:
- 65522e77a1360dbc8d199da3bf5effe4
- SHA1:
- daf3bb0f4b3b39958409c0a1a778ad5eb91346d6
- SHA256:
- e9d748070fa478a3d37f15049f998d340885c0dc5fce03bfce5d521c9eba7350
- Size:
- 64512
- Directory:
- C:\Windows\System32
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- High
Is the library "eappprxy.dll" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "eappprxy.dll"
Reviews for all files with name "eappprxy.dll"
SAFErating from user IkaruShinji for file C:\Windows\System32\eappprxy.dll (Variant: 508635)
The eappprxy.dll is a Microsoft EAPHost Peer Client DLL. This file is part of Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. Eappprxy.dll is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It’s a system and hidden file. Eappprxy.dll is usually located in the %SYSTEM% folder and its usual size is 40,960 bytes. Recommendation The eappprxy.dll process is safe and disabling it can be dangerous, because programs on your computer need it to work correctly.