What is the "dpupdchk.exe" ?
Our database contains 64 different files for filename dpupdchk.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name dpupdchk.exe. This files most often belongs to product Microsoft IntelliPoint. and were most often developed by company Microsoft Corporation. This files most often have description dpupdchk.exe. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 7 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process dpupdchk.exe.
File details of most used file with name "dpupdchk.exe"
- Product:
- Microsoft IntelliPoint
- Company:
- Microsoft Corporation
- Description:
- dpupdchk.exe
- Version:
- 8.20.468.0
- MD5:
- 1e70071e1753e43983b1202ce98aec6f
- SHA1:
- be19b38e374107327f7a5be673ae1d3b02fdf75d
- SHA256:
- f1c98dcb99364b29098a919c014c90f2007054a8e17936abf2d524fd646af11e
- Size:
- 517000
- Directory:
- %PROGFILES64%\Microsoft IntelliPoint
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- High
- Digital Signature:
- Microsoft Corporation
Is the Process "dpupdchk.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "dpupdchk.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "dpupdchk.exe"
SAFErating from user Randy for file %PROGFILES64%\Microsoft IntelliPoint\dpupdchk.exe (Variant: 1324195)
I think this is an updates checker for the Microsoft Intellipoint driver, iPoint.exe - it runs as a child process under the iPoint process. Intellipoint Software controls some older versions of the Microsoft Mouse. It has been replaced by the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center which controls the newest versions of the Microsoft Mouse.
SAFErating from user Tha_14 for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft IntelliPoint\dpupdchk.exe (Variant: 1321729)
So far I think that this is only to maintain the updates for IntelliPoint.If anyone knows if this is needed to be running inform me.
SAFErating from user baperry for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft IntelliType Pro\dpupdchk.exe (Variant: 332382)
Recommended by Gizmo, and Download.com
SAFErating from user a for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft IntelliType Pro\dpupdchk.exe (Variant: 332382)
It is rated safe on CNet and Download.com
SAFErating from user houteng for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft IntelliPoint\dpupdchk.exe
SAFErating from user Mindconnect2020 for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft IntelliPoint\dpupdchk.exe
SAFErating from user dpupdchk for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft IntelliType Pro\dpupdchk.exe (Variant: 8982)
Microsoft Intellitype/Intellipoint updater. Updates Microsoft keyboard and mouse.