What is the "dfserv.exe" ?
Our database contains 983 different files for filename dfserv.exe . You can also check most distributed file variants with name dfserv.exe. This files most often belongs to product Deep Freeze 7.00. and were most often developed by company Faronics Corporation. This files most often have description Deep Freeze 7.00 service. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 3 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process dfserv.exe.

File details of most used file with name "dfserv.exe"
- Product:
- Deep Freeze 7.00
- Company:
- Faronics Corporation
- Description:
- Deep Freeze 7.00 service
- Version:
- 7,00,20,3172
- MD5:
- 4ad44d2d0f7dce90da9ef3984cd6d7bf
- SHA1:
- 465c6e4412bc6cf88deeb8058bc46796b6427d01
- SHA256:
- ff19d2f58dd8e1394f525f143a47ddb9e18a73df6353d96bd67d0a5db27ff5f4
- Size:
- 1073664
- Directory:
- %PROGRAMFILES%\Faronics\Deep Freeze\Install C-0
- Operating System:
- Windows XP
- Occurence:
- High
Is the Process "dfserv.exe" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "dfserv.exe"
Reviews for all files with name "dfserv.exe"
SAFErating from user Gordon for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Faronics\Deep Freeze\Install C-0\dfserv.exe (Variant: 33388426)
It are an executable of Deep Freeze software of faronics and totally safe
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Faronics\Deep Freeze\Install D-1\DFServ.exe (Variant: 810178)
"Faronics Deep Freeze makes computer configurations indestructible and prevents against unwanted workstation changes—regardless of whether they are accidental or malicious." More info on http://www.faronics.com/en/Products/DeepFreeze/DeepFreezeCorporate.aspx
SAFErating from user Mustafa Bhaji for file %PROGRAMFILES%\Faronics\Deep Freeze\Install C-0\DFServ.exe (Variant: 46360)
File Type: One of four files in C:Program FilesFaronicsDeep FreezeInstall C-0 on a terminal in a public library. This particular instance of DFServ.exe was found on a terminal at a public library and uploaded to VirusTotal on account of being curious as to the possibilities given that this file is reported to be a target for malware looking for a file to hijack. Information source: http://spywarefiles.prevx.com/RRIADJ25293235/DFSERV.EXE.html Prevx reported [12th November 2010] that "The following file size has been seen: 1,057,152 bytes 1,057,192 bytes 1,067,520 bytes 1,306,624 bytes" This instance of DFServ.exe was reported by Windows Explorer as being "1.02 MB (1,070,504 bytes)" http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=5e1bd937d0b327df6bf18493935f28aeb4b2b6dc5d718189da567e834cf74a7a-1289556287 File name: DFServ.exe Submission date: 2010-11-12 10:04:47 (UTC) Result: 1/ 43 (2.3%) ClamAV 2010.11.12 PUA.Packed.ASPack MD5 : 17b879cf9e44b5f52d7582f1343c5e3d SHA1 : 2dd3ade3bda631c6fc797be3b0694b0f0748892e SHA256: 5e1bd937d0b327df6bf18493935f28aeb4b2b6dc5d718189da567e834cf74a7a