What is the "coretemp32.exe" ? Variant 8161606

Our database contains single file for filename coretemp32.exe. This file belongs to product Core Temp. This file has description Core Temp. Agregate rating is 1(1) stars - based on 1 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process coretemp32.exe.

coretemp32.exe Process
Core Temp
(Empty Value)
Core Temp
Operating System:
Windows 7
Low oc0

System Explorer Community Antivirus Report

This file was checked and tolerated by following antivirus shields :
Antivirus NameLatest Toleration
Windows Defender2015-07-04 21:29:35
Avira Antivirus2015-06-09 21:05:16
avast! Antivirus2015-01-29 09:22:11
AVG AntiVirus Free Edition 20142014-07-29 06:42:44
ZoneAlarm Antivirus2014-07-29 06:42:44
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall Antivirus2014-05-05 08:14:18
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4.22014-04-22 16:19:30
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise+AntiSpyware Enterprise2014-03-27 05:48:07
Avira Desktop2014-01-12 01:03:18
ESET Smart Security 6.02013-07-27 21:05:05
Antivirus shields were enabled and have latest antivirus database.

Is the Process "coretemp32.exe" Safe or Threat ?

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100% of reviewed files are marked as Threat .
Our final rating for this file is Threat. Final rating is based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.
AntivirusThis Process is rated as Threat. Threats (viruses, trojans, malware etc.) can make your System unstable, can damage your datas, steal your private informations like emails, passwords, credit card numbers...

First, you can check this file with the VirusTotal service. If you want to check file MD5 via VirusTotal database, then press
. If you don't have installed antivirus you should find the right for you and install it to your computer. You can choose from many paid and free antivirus solutions. Our tip for free antivirus solution is Microsoft Security Essentials.

We also recommends make free computer scan with our free award-winning tool.

User Reviews of the "coretemp32.exe"

  • THREATrating from user Danger!GetOnTheFloor! for file F:\Software\CoreTemp\Core Temp.exe (Variant: 13799662)

    The standalone versions worked fine and I wrote glowing detailed reviews of their safety, a couple of minor problems, and possible workarounds. BUT DANGER!!! When I tried to download the InstallIQ installer version, I tried to install it while I was still running secondary scans (download scan in FF w/Comodo == no problem) But either Spybot S&D or Malwarebytes or both reported W3i.IQ5 malware, which I can confirm -- even File Assassin can't remove the original download file, and it threw a NULL filehandle exception, causing FileAsssassin to prompt me to contact them, which I have. I am using various other tools to try to clean all vestiges out. It doesn't exactly follow the pattern defined in the Spybot forum help page, and Spybot does find a freeze.com entry in the registry and cleans it. But I am far from out of the woods yet. If you want to use this program, stay away from the Installer version by all means. It was downloaded from the primary site alcpu.com and appeared to be just another variant of the safe standalone versions, but with an installer. But the InstallIQ installer did more than a bit of evil.