What is the "bcu.exe" ? Variant 3948580

Our database contains 74 different files for filename bcu.exe but this page contains information about single file with specific attributes. If you want to see general information about the bcu.exe then visit General Information Page . You can also check most distributed file variants with name bcu.exe. This file belongs to product Browser Configuration Utility and was developed by company DeviceVM, Inc.. This file has description Browser Configuration Utility. Agregate rating is 2(2) stars - based on 8 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process bcu.exe.

bcu.exe Process
Browser Configuration Utility
DeviceVM, Inc.
Browser Configuration Utility
%PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility
Operating System:
Windows 8
High oc2
Digital Signature:
DeviceVM Inc.

System Explorer Community Antivirus Report

This file was checked and tolerated by following antivirus shields :
Antivirus NameLatest Toleration
Microsoft Security Essentials2016-09-06 05:10:46
360 Total Security2016-08-30 19:42:04
Avast Antivirus2016-08-29 20:44:09
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate2016-08-29 20:44:09
ESET Smart Security 9.0.381.12016-07-23 19:24:36
V3 365 Clinic2016-07-10 21:55:17
avast! Antivirus2016-07-07 11:31:39
Avira Antivirus2016-06-28 10:13:06
ESET Smart Security 8.02016-06-25 08:29:26
Antivirus shields were enabled and have latest antivirus database.

Is the Process "bcu.exe" Safe or Threat ?

Loading Graph
37.5% of reviewed files are marked as Safe .
62.5% of reviewed files are marked as Threat .
Our final rating for this file is Safe. Final rating is based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.
Process with filename "bcu.exe" can be Safe or Threat. You must define more file attributes to determine right rating. Our freeware awards winning tool provides easiest way to check your files via our database. Tool contains many useful functions for keep your system under control and uses minimum system resources.
Click Here to Download System Explorer for Free.
75% of reviewed files with different MD5 located in different directory are marked as Safe .

User Reviews of the "bcu.exe"

  • THREATrating from user shan for file %PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility\BCU.exe (Variant: 5475)

    MEMORY LEAK! It's bundled with ASUS motherboards to monitor your browsing and search habits. Not meant to be dangerous, but it corrupts and leaks easily and will crash you into oblivion. Just get rid of it.

  • THREATrating from user Tekk for file %PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility\BCU.exe (Variant: 5475)

    bloatware/borderline malware. from what i can tell it catalogs some of your browsing habits and frequently visited pages in an sql db supposedly for a speed increase. problem is whoever coded it did not do a good job.... its got a major memory leak(s). After running it on my system for a few days its ram usage was 900mb+. even a full restart will not bring down its memory usage. Also hides its install dir which is very fishy imo. every so often it will try to connect to an external ip(s) in Taiwan and exchange data (browser and system habbits)...... it has no auto update feature and after looking at its exchanges via wireshark it appears to be yet another pos spyware. Although less damaging then most its memory leaks will bloat your system and provides no benefit for the user. highly recommend removing

  • SAFErating from user phoenixnghi for file %PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility\BCU.exe (Variant: 5475)

    Installed from Asus motherboard.

  • THREATrating from user Joack69 for file %PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility\BCU.exe (Variant: 5475)

    A window is displayed to ask me If I want to change the search engine of my browser to yahoo ! Plus : the BCU's folder has the attribute "hidden". I don't like that.

  • THREATrating from user AkkeDaBest for file %PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility\BCU.exe (Variant: 5475)

    THis file is Browser Configuration Utility. It comes with the ASUS Rampage III extreme motherboard's software DVD. It eats up to 1GB of memory and I can't see how I profit from having it running. It is not directly a threat, but it is a memory eater.

  • THREATrating from user windy for file %PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility\BCU.exe (Variant: 5475)

    I'm not yet sure what this puppy is, but it has a memory leak. So the threat is that it will consume your system resources. I'm running Win7 and this program is now 811MB and rising. Clearly it's got a memory leak. I'm going to see about removing it to get my memory back.

  • SAFErating from user Stellarnaut for file %PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility\BCU.exe (Variant: 5475)

    This is (or is optionally) installed from ASUS (or other) motherboard software. Example: ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO installation disk has "Browser Configuration Utility" as an option you can install. Possibly a part of the ASUS Expressgate SSD system. I also think this is related somehow to Splashtop. (Allows you to boot up quickly & use other software like Skype quickly). Mine connects to server in Taiwan.

  • SAFErating from user MikeOne for file %PROGRAMFILES%\DeviceVM\Browser Configuration Utility\BCU.exe (Variant: 5475)

    This file is a legitimate par of DeviceVM SplashTop application. This file is safe, was not marked as a threat or virus-containing application by any antivirus software. Check the MD5 hash, there can be more versions of this file.