What is the "bbcertm32.exe" ? Variant 9110234

Our database contains 4 different files for filename bbcertm32.exe but this page contains information about single file with specific attributes. If you want to see general information about the bbcertm32.exe then visit General Information Page . You can also check most distributed file variants with name bbcertm32.exe. This file belongs to product WatchSAFE Backgroud v3.4 and was developed by company Beijing WatchData System Co., Ltd.. This file has description WatchSAFE Background v3.4. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 2 reviews.This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process bbcertm32.exe.

bbcertm32.exe Process
WatchSAFE Backgroud v3.4
Beijing WatchData System Co., Ltd.
WatchSAFE Background v3.4
C:\Windows\System32\Watchdata\Watchdata Brazil CSP v1.0
Operating System:
Windows XP
High oc2

System Explorer Community Antivirus Report

This file was checked and tolerated by following antivirus shields :
Antivirus NameLatest Toleration
Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools Antimalware2016-08-31 19:49:40
avast! Antivirus2016-07-15 19:02:06
Microsoft Security Essentials2016-07-13 21:27:37
Endpoint Security by Bitdefender Antimalware2016-07-13 21:27:37
AVG AntiVirus Free Edition2016-06-12 14:10:58
PSafe Total2016-05-11 13:50:36
Windows Defender2016-04-19 17:06:11
Panda Gold Protection2016-03-24 02:12:27
G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION2016-02-08 17:37:07
BullGuard Antivirus2015-10-27 16:07:07
Antivirus shields were enabled and have latest antivirus database.

Is the Process "bbcertm32.exe" Safe or Threat ?

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100% of reviewed files are marked as Safe .
Our final rating for this file is Safe. Final rating is based on file reviews, discovered date, users occurence and antivirus scan results.

User Reviews of the "bbcertm32.exe"

  • SAFErating from user steelrio for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Watchdata\Watchdata Brazil CSP v1.0\BBCertM32.exe (Variant: 9084654)

    Here is more info about the software company Watchdata. It's a USB security token app for banking industry. Beijing WatchData System Co., Ltd http://www.watchdata.com/bank/

  • SAFErating from user steelrio for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Watchdata\Watchdata Brazil CSP v1.0\BBCertM32.exe (Variant: 9084654)

    This is a file used as part of security system from Bank of Brasil to access their website securely using a USB token.