What is the "amustor.sys" ?
Our database contains 3753 different files for filename amustor.sys . You can also check most distributed file variants with name amustor.sys. This files most often belongs to product Alocr Micro USB Mass Storage Driver. and were most often developed by company Alcor Micro, Corp.. This files most often have description Alocr Micro USB Mass Storage Driver. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars - based on 10 reviews.This file contains driver. You can find it in the Drivers section of the System Explorer.
This system drive is part of the Alocr Micro USB Mass Storage utilities - this company is a professional on micro devices market, dealing with USB Flash Disk Controllers, Smard Card Reader Controllers or SD Card Controllers. This specific driver works as a Micro USB Mass Storage Driver, check more information on http://www.alcormicro.com

File details of most used file with name "amustor.sys"
- Product:
- Alocr Micro USB Mass Storage Driver
- Company:
- Alcor Micro, Corp.
- Description:
- Alocr Micro USB Mass Storage Driver
- Version:
- MD5:
- 3d2ffc25d4459512e03dd4d060785d79
- SHA1:
- 3b8713a3745cd0df9c44833ee9482c037cccea51
- SHA256:
- fbb769b72eb2765ac295df12288239bf298619fd9058c0db6ee02c4268787ea8
- Size:
- 57856
- Directory:
- C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS
- Operating System:
- Windows 7
- Occurence:
- High
Is the Driver "amustor.sys" Safe or Threat ?
User Reviews of the "amustor.sys"
Reviews for all files with name "amustor.sys"
SAFErating from user MikeOne for file C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\amustor.sys (Variant: 19174473)
This system drive is part of the Alocr Micro USB Mass Storage utilities - this company is a professional on micro devices market, dealing with USB Flash Disk Controllers, Smard Card Reader Controllers or SD Card Controllers. This specific driver works as a Micro USB Mass Storage Driver, check more information on http://www.alcormicro.com